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“Me, too, sweetness,” I whisper and lean in, capturing her mouth in a kiss to end all kisses.

“And you may, ah, kiss your bride,” the officiant declares awkwardly and everyone bursts out laughing.

I break the kiss, look over at him, and smirk. “You can say that again,” I murmur and claim my bride’s lips all over again.

“The rings!” Ryan calls out and we pull apart, laughing and swiping the tears from our eyes.

“Only our flyboy,” Eden comments.

With trembling hands, we place the wedding bands on each other’s fingers, say our I do’s and the officiant nods his approval. “Now, you may officially kiss your bride,” he says with a warm smile.

I don’t need any further encouragement. Dipping my head, I kiss Ivy for the third time and a boisterous round of clapping, cheers and whistles fill the air.

When Ivy and I finally come up for air, I feel like the luckiest man alive. Taking her hand in mine, I walk her past our friends, ourfamily, and guide her down the graveled path surrounded by wildflowers to the waiting car that will take us to a reception where we’ll join the rest of our friends waiting over at Rex’s.

The sky is almost as gorgeous as my new wife, but not quite. Shades of pink, gold and orange glow softly around us and I pause, taking a moment to appreciate it. To just breathe in the beauty of it all.

“I told Max we wanted to toast each other with ginger ale and lime,” Ivy says, looking up at me.

I nod and place my hands on either side of her face. “You’ve never looked more beautiful than you do right at this moment,” I murmur, my thumbs tracing her cheekbones. And it’s not merely the lighting; it’s the love glowing in her multi-colored eyes.

“Such a charmer,” she teases, smiling up at me.

“I’m going to charm the hell out of you for the rest of your life,” I warn her.

“And I’m going to be the best wife you could ever ask for.”

“Does that mean you’ll do my laundry? And maybe cook dinner so we don’t have to eat out every night?”

“Maybe…” she says in a sing-song voice.

I pull her against me, sliding my hands down her sides and she giggles, always ticklish, then around to her back. I’d move them lower, but our guests are starting down the trail to meet us, their voices growing louder. “Will you go flying with me?”

Ivy nods, tossing me a wicked smirk. “Of course. And maybe we could do more of those aerobatics…in bed?” She arches a brow, smirking.

A laugh bursts from my throat. “I think that can be arranged.”

I lower my face and kiss her until I’m forced to come up for air. Then I reach for her left hand and press a kiss above her ring. “Ivy in the sky with diamonds.”

“Ivy in the sky with flyboy,” she corrects.

With a chuckle, we exchange a quick kiss and turn to face our family.

“You guys ready to party?” Sailor asks, blowing a bubble. Maddox slaps his hand against it, popping it on her face, and she starts laughing. He helps pull the gooey pink gum off her lips then presses a kiss in its place.

“Hell yeah,” Maddox says, picking her up and spinning her.

Fallon already kicked her heels off and Ryan is carrying her piggyback. Eden and Colt walk over to the Range Rover that Dash installed a carseat in and Colt gets baby Violet situated. I have a pretty good feeling Dash is going to have to add a few more of those in the future.

Kennedy and Aidan walk over, arms linked, whispering to each other. Dash and Lake are the last ones to the car. His face is smeared with lipstick and I smirk.

This is my family,I think. We might be crazy half the time, but we love each other fiercely, would defend one another to the death, and I wouldn’t change a thing.

“C’mon, Mrs. Finn,” I say, opening the door. “Let’s go make out.”

Ivy laughs and I help her into the back seat. Then I slide in, closing the door behind me and cage my wife against the leather seat. She squeals and looks up at me, eyes shining with so much love that my chest tightens.

“I wasn’t joking, sweetness,” I murmur and kiss her passionately. She wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me down and we start going at it like kids in high school. Or, like the newlyweds we are. The front doors open and close, but I ignore it. Then I hear Kennedy chuckle and Aidan sigh.

I look up and give them a lopsided grin. “Deal with it,” I say and resume kissing my Ivy in the Sky.

The Rover’s engine starts and then we’re off, heading over to Rex’s to join the others and celebrate. After that, I’m flying my gorgeous wife up to see the Redwoods for our honeymoon. It’s a surprise, but I’m pretty sure she’ll enjoy it.

Now I just need Dash to give me another week off, but I’ll ask after he’s had some whiskey and a few more kisses from Lake. I know it won’t be an issue, though.

I know one other thing, too, and it makes my heart constrict. As I kiss Ivy, the love of my life, I know that this kid from Aurora will never be lonely again. Because he’s found his family and his forever.

We all have. And it’s a damn beautiful thing.
