Page 16 of Arranged Currency

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“He keeps calling me his brother, you know?” Antonio groaned as he shook his head, “tried really hard to be friendly. It’s too easy to piss him off. Yet, he is still trying.”

“I didn’t want us fighting anymore,” I explained, “I’ve asked him to mend the broken bridge.”

The bed creaked as my brother leaned back. “All this time, I thought he was simply trying to use you to hurt me. Turns out, that crazy bastard really does love you. His feelings are real.”

Heat tickled my ears. “I know.”

“Our father always wanted a big family,” he mumbled, looking my way, “we’re going to be the biggest family in the state. Some people are going to feel threatened by that. Dangers will come and go. Are you sure you are ready to be a wife to a head of a family?”

“Elias wouldn’t let anything happen to me,” I promised him, “I feel safer here than anywhere else. You did a great job at protecting my growing up Antonio, but it’s about time you leave me behind and start focusing on your own future wife.”

Antonio smiled at the mention of Kelsie. “I plan on marrying her quickly, too. I’ll let you have your moment before I consider taking her ring shopping.”

He then sighed, letting us ferment in the sound of silence before moving to his feet.

“I am the one who was supposed to fetch you. Took a little longer than they probably planned. Elias is surely fretting that you’ve made a run for it. Let’s get you down there before he starts a scene.” He offered his hand, one I happily accepted.

“He’d definitely make a scene,” I agreed with a laugh. Curling my arm around his, we carefully made our way through the halls of the Mariani home.My home.“Thank you for coming. I know I implied that I didn’t care–”

“I was angry then. Hell, I was angry when I first came here too until Elias talked my ear off. I wouldn’t have invited me here either.” He let out a sigh. “There was no way I’d miss out on passing you onto him.”

“You’re going to walk me down?” I asked, a grin already forming.

“Obviously,” he scoffed, “I’ve already mentally prepared myself to hand you over. Kelsie will scold me if I start a fight, so I promised to be nice.”

We reached a large set of doors that led outside. I sucked in a breath as one of the men guarding the door slipped out to tell them I was ready.

Iwasready. Over the last week, I grew more and more impatient. The time had finally come.

Elias Mariani would be mine.


From the moment Ramona requested a big wedding, I regretted throwing such an event. Seeing all the different families watching me from afar left me growing uneasy.

Then my bride appeared and every single one of my thoughts disappeared.

Ramona wasgorgeous. The dress she picked, the one I already wished to strip away in the past, made her look so elegant. Too good for a man like myself. I was greedy, planning on keeping her at my side despite deserving a better man.

Today was going to be a long, torturous one. Knowing I needed to wait only made me want my bride even more.

For the first time in my lifetime, Antonio was not scowling at me. He had a look of business when he wasn’t staring at his sister’s beauty.

Everyone stared at Ramona, and it was so deserved that I couldn’t even feel a lick of jealousy. Today was her day.

When she reached her destination, Antonio left her side. A smile formed on her lips as she gave me a look down. Seemingly pleased, her eyes lifted up to mine.

“You look great,” she whispered, “everything does. Thank you, Elias. This is exactly what I wanted.”

My own smile grew at her compliment. The headache of today was worth seeing the light in her eyes.

“Perfect, darling. We still have an entire day ahead of us. Wait until we get to the feast. I’m sure you’ll be impressed.”

She nodded, her cheeks growing flushed. “I can’t wait.”

Reaching out to hold her hands, I gave them a squeeze. Looking out at the man who waited patiently, I cleared my throat. “Let’s begin.”

I leaned on every word she spoke. While I could go on for hours and hours about my love for the woman, we decided it would be best to follow a script. At the moment, Ramona couldn’t confess her love, and that was alright.
