Page 19 of Arranged Currency

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My smile softened as I continued watching him. “You’re starting to thaw out, Elias. Better be careful, I might start to like this side of you more.”

Elias looked down, immediately snaking his arm around my frame. “My goal is to make you love me, Ramona. Good to know I’m already a foot set in the right direction.”

My heart flooded with happiness at his words and all I could do was nod.

He didn’t know that I was already falling for him.


I lost my shoes while dancing with the people around me. Elias stuck nearby for most of the night, making sure I never got a break from all the movement.

I think he just wanted an excuse to twirl me around. Even he was wearing a smile through the long hours.

Staying in a good mood, I even got to watch some of the men who protected our home approach with their wives, introducing them to us. His smile seemed to only grow as others spoke to him.

Starting slowly, I was ecstatic by Elias’ progress. Give it a week or two and he might even start remembering some of their names.

By the time the sun had lowered and people started drifting off, I was ready to ask Elias to carry me to bed. I was so tired. My jaw ached from smiling so much.

Members of my family made sure to wish my marriage the best of luck before leaving as well. Antonio, Bruno, and their girlfriends were one of the last ones to leave.

I had to promise Antonio I’d visit in a week to give him the courage to leave. Kelsie helped give him the push he needed to say goodbye. It wasn’t a final one, not by a long shot. He’d eventually adjust.

Only when the large room was emptied did Elias make his move. He didn’t even try to be sneaky either. Once he was close enough, he scooped me up into his arms.

“Your shoulder–,” I gasped, heat crawling up my neck as we headed away from the leftover members of my new family.

“–is absolutely fine,” he reminded me, “I’ll take some painkillers later. Ramona Mariani, I’ve beendyingto get you alone all night.”

Ramona Mariani. I liked the sound of that.

“Well, you’ve got me,” I enthused as we reached our room, “pretty sure no one will bother us either. Not unless the world is ending.”

Setting me down, he opened the door before dragging me inside with him. The moment the door was shut, my back was pressed against it.

Lifting my eyes to meet his, my breath came out in soft pants. Elias looked hungry. After being patient for an entire week, I understood why.

Leaning forward, he brushed his lips against mine. Hardly feeding into my own hunger, he reached down to squeeze my hand. One tug left me stumbling forward to the middle of the room.

“Stay here,” he ordered before shrugging off his jacket. Taking a few steps back, he tossed it to the side. Then he unbuttoned his vest, torturing me with slow movement. Keeping his eyes on me, he then hooked a finger beneath the knot of his tie.

I stirred where I stood. After all that dancing in my wedding dress, I didn’t think I could feel any hotter. Watching Elias undress was enough to prove me wrong.

His tie fell to the floor before a smirk came to his lips. Rather than stripping away his shirt, he decided to circle me instead. Stopping behind me, his fingers sent chills down my spine when he brushed my shoulder blades.

“Can I?” he asked, his breath tickling my skin. Just to tease me, his mouth brushed my neck. Light kisses were all it took to send goosebumps down my arms. Then he pulled away like he didn’t have a serious effect on my body.

“Yes,” I answered a little too quickly.

He chuckled but didn’t tease. Instead, he cradled the zipper on the back of my dress before dragging it down the length of my back. His breathing stopped for a moment before growing heavier.

Sucking in a breath to help steady my racing pulse, my dress fell away, hitting my ankles.

I really hoped I was what Elias expected. Wearing nothing but my underwear now, I couldn’t hide anything from him.

His hands moved to my body. Palming my sides, he slid down to my hips before caressing them. Stepping forward, his shirt brushed against my bare back.

“I’m going to have a hard time being gentle,” he admitted against my neck. One of his hands abandoned my hip to move to the front of my stomach. Not sure where he planned on moving, I sucked in a breath when his touch dragged downward
