Page 2 of Vow of Silence

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When the door closed, I retraced our steps, and ended up at the beginning of the VIP. On the way to the drop off we passed several doors. I tried every one of them. They were all locked accept one. I slipped inside the unlocked door. It was an office.

There was a huge ornate desk in the middle of the floor with built-in bookcases along the wall. I went through the desk drawers, but there wasn’t much in it. Ducking down, I searched the last drawer and found a Glock. Smiling, I slipped the holster on my upper thigh and secured the weapon. I placed my ear against the door. When I didn’t hear footsteps, I slipped out and returned to the conference room.

I opened the door and came face to face with over two dozen men surrounding father. He sat at the table with a man on either side of him. It wasn’t hard to determine that the two tall men in the center next to them were their second in command.

Where is Boris? Why isn’t he here with us?

The men parted and a shorter man came forward. His alabaster skin was like porcelain. He had short brown wavy hair, blue eyes, and a goatee.

“You must be Anya Aslanov. I’m Qemal Nallbani, and that is my father, Adan Nallbani.”

I nodded. “It’s nice to meet you.”

He was standing too close to me, so I moved away and continued to walk to the table. The men didn’t move so I could take a seat, so I elbowed the nearest one and pushed him out of the way. All the men here were big, muscular, armed, and use to killing, but they hadn’t expected me to resort to violence.

I sat down. Now that I knew who the Albanian mafia was, I looked at the other man sitting on the left-hand side. He had to be the man called Arkan. Oddly enough, he was beautiful. His eyes changed color, his wavy hair was short and tousled around his face, his mustache and goatee were thick and framed a square jaw. Everything about him showed that he was a wealthy billionaire. He had a reputation for being savage, so I hadn’t expected him to be so handsome.

He cleared his throat and placed his hand over mine. “Now that you’re not staring at Arkan, my name is Dabizir Krstic.”

I snatched my hand away. “I wasn’t staring at anyone.”

Unlike most young women my age, a beautiful man didn’t faze me. My heart already belonged to Vadim Morozov, although Dad was being an asshole about acknowledging my feelings for him.

One day, we will be together, it would just take time.

“Arkan, it would make sense that you would expand your business to the United States. It also makes sense for you as well Adan, which is where I come in,” said Felix.

Adan leaned back in his chair. “Arkan and I have made it a point not to play in each other’s backyard, which is for the best. On another note, your daughter Anya is breathtaking.”

“Thank you, Mr. Nallbani.” I inclined my head slightly in a little bow. I was aware that they liked their women submissive and not as headstrong as me.

Qemal snorted. “There’s no need to pretend to be shy Anya. All of us know that you are fierce with a fiery temper. Everyone here has heard about you.” His eye roamed down my body in a lewd way.

What does that mean?

My eyes narrowed but I kept my temper in check. This was a business meeting. I had to keep my eyes on the prize. Mila and I would need power. After we were away from dad’s grasp, our future would be different. Right now, I couldn’t get a read on either mob boss. If I had to choose, I would pick Adan. He was older and not as vicious as Arkan. Arkan wasn’t the type of man I could manipulate.

Dabizir cleared his throat. “This nightclub is the best spot in the city. Everyone who is anyone dies to come in here. Let me show you around.”

My eyebrows lifted and I looked at my father.

“Anya, it would be good for you to go and check out the club. Leave us men here to talk,” said Felix.

Pushing my chair back, I stood to my feet. I gritted my teeth when calloused fingers grabbed my elbow.

“This club is the best party spot in the city, but I've been coming here for many years. Let me show you some of the hidden places many people don’t know about. You'd be surprised at what this club has to offer, said Qemal.

I plastered a fake smile on my face and allowed him to lead me out of the room. As soon as the door closed, I jerked my elbow away from him. “Lead the way.”

Qemal looked irritated but he didn't grab me again.

A few moments later, four of our men came out to escort me.

If these two assholes thought that I trusted them they were mistaken. I might be on their turf, but there was no way I would put myself at a disadvantage. After Qemal exchanged a look with Dabizir, he turned and walked down the hall. Unlike these two men, I wasn't interested in them in the least. This was a business meeting which would be a steppingstone in showing father I could be trusted with more power and responsibility.

The darkened hallways and entrances requiring biometric signature made me uneasy. I exchanged a glance at my men who quickly nodded. I was comforted that they two were a bit uneasy and had their guards up. I didn't trust them not to try something. The hidden gun I had on me gave me comfort. I couldn’t afford to piss them off if father planned for me to marry either of them. After the last series of tunnels, I was certain that we were five miles below the club underground.

Suddenly, they walked through another secret entrance and I followed.
