Page 108 of Villain

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I ignore Casper, or try to, who is shooting lasers at us from where’s he’s standing, still as a statue.Yeah, screw you.He’s not the only one who can make me come. I don’t need a rich ghost to get off.

I’ve not really had much to do with Mason before, but he’s always been polite. I think he’s studying something in the science field. He’s about half a foot taller than me, with blond hair as light as mine, and a flirty smile that promises a good time.

Fucking Casper’s friend feels like good revenge.

Behind Mason, Casper appears, surrounded by people but glaring at us like he’s trying to commit murder with a glance. I don’t know which one of us he wants dead, though.

I don’t know what he wants. The only time he’s not a prick to me is when I’m in danger. Maybe he has some sort of saviour complex. Whatever it is, I’m already tired of it. One minute I think there’s something between us—a reason why we instantly irritated each other—and the next he’s back to wanting nothing to do with me.

The whiplash is real.

Mason pulls me closer to his chest, one of his hands drifting dangerously close to my butt.

I raise my brow, and he laughs. “Your body, Ainsley.” He whistles.

“My body, what?”

He laughs again. “I would die for this body, but I don’t think he’s happy I have my hands on you.”


“Don’t play dumb, Ainsley; it doesn’t suit you. He’s pretty pissed you’re with me. I wonder why…”

I scoff. “Forget that prick. He’s pissed that I’m in his house. That’s all.”

“You are a terrible actress. What’s going on between you two?”

“Nothing,” I reply far too quickly to be believable. “I mean, almost nothing. Nothing now. Or ever again. I hate him.”

“It’s a good job you don’t want to be a politician because you’re a terrible liar.”

“I’ll work on that… but I do hate him.”

“Oh, I know. I’ve been mates with Casper for a while. I know he’s… intense but give him a chance. Shall I kiss you and we can see how he reacts?”

“Mason,” I chastise, slapping his shoulder, trying not to giggle. “You should.”

“It’d be funny, right. He wants to punch me right now.” Mason leans closer, his forehead almost to mine, but his eyes land back on Casper. “Yeah, he definitely wants to punch me.”

“I don’t want you getting punched.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll get a few in, too.”

My eyes widen. “He’s coming over here?”

“Not yet but look at how close to snapping he is.”

I glance sideways, still ridiculously close to Mason’s face. Casper’s hands are balled by his thighs, body tight and tense, like he could shatter into pieces.

“I’m going to let go now,” Mason says.

“You’re scared.”

“You two love games. Take this to the source. My money’s on you, anyway.”

Mason releases me and walks over to his friends in the corner. I leave the room, my head spinning, and head back to get another drink. All right, that didn’t go to plan. Not that I really had one to begin with.

I almost make it to the kitchen when I’m shoved into the tiny utility room that’s identical to mine.
