Page 147 of Villain

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“Thanks,” I say, giving her a hug when she opens her arms.

I hope that I get to a point where I enjoy tonight, but that probably won’t be until the food has come out on time. That, or when the champagne buzz kicks in. There’s no Prosecco here. We’re on the real stuff.

“I’ll get the drinks, since I’ve been replaced,” Casper says. He’s not sulking, though. He’s all smiles, loving that I get along with his parents. I understand that completely. Sitting in my aunt and uncle’s living room, eating Chinese and all chatting together was the happiest I have ever been. Jess and Bill love him.

I’ve even let Casper and Bill’s conversation go. It hasn’t deterred him, so I can let them have their secrets.

“He’s happy,” Flora says. “Thank you.”

“I like seeing him happy.”

Flora is amazing. She’s successful in her own right and isn’t afraid to speak her mind. She knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go out and get it. I think she grew up with money, but she still works hard. Casper says that she often works seventy-hour weeks.

I’m not sure quite how that will fit into my life if Casper does the same. He resented them growing up, so I think that he would want to be different. Not that I’m thinking about him being a dad. I’m not even thinking about him wearing a baby carrier. Nope.

Casper returns with three glasses of champagne. “Dad’s on the scotch,” he says, holding the drinks out for us to take.

“Thanks,” I say, taking a calming breath and calming swig. Then another. The bubbles almost go up my nose, and I have to scrunch it so I don’t sneeze and embarrass myself.

Flora doesn’t notice my less than dignified action. I’m going to fit right in with his family.

“Okay, I’m going to go find my husband and stop him from drinking the bar dry so soon into the night.” Flora gracefully floats away, back straight, owning the room and everyone in it. I can see where Casper gets it from.

“Ainsley, relax,” he says, nuzzling my neck without spilling a drop of his drink. “Your scent, sweetheart. It’s home.”

“Hey,” I say, pushing him away. “I need to be professional now. I can’t be all over the clients’ son.”

“The clients won’t mind. Will you relax?”

“I am relaxed.”

“Are you?”

“Shut up.”

“You’re amazing.”

I take another swig. “Okay, I’m done worrying. I have alcohol, and your parents seem happy. Plus, I get to wear a pretty dress and hang out with my gorgeous boyfriend all night.”

He smiles. “That’s the spirit. Who gives a shit what those posh pricks think?”

“Should I refrain from reminding you that you’re also a bit posh?”

He tilts his head, wrapping an arm around my waist and drawing me closer. “No, I’m not.”

“You don’t sound like you have a stick up your arse, but you also don’t skip pronouncing certain letters and sounds. You don’t say ‘innit’.”

Laughing, he mutters against my temple, “Your definition of posh is anyone who doesn’t say ‘innit’?”

“Oh my God, you just madethatsound posh.”

“You’re ridiculous. Drink up. You might start making more sense.”

It’s hard to focus when his mouth is on any part of me, but I do take a swig because alcohol will help me tonight.

Casper finally lets me go, though he doesn’t venture very far as the guests begin to arrive.

Reggie and I are like little bees. We run from the kitchen to the event room and outside repeatedly. I’ve dodged a woman breathing fire about three times while checking the status of the second course.
