Page 168 of Villain

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Therefore, I’m going to suffer because she doesn’t handle feeling rough too well.

“Ainsley,” I whisper against her bare shoulder, praying I get to do this every morning until I die. “We need to get up.”

I booked a removal company to take our things to our new place. We don’t have much, so it’s only one small van. We could have done it in cars, but she was dead set on taking my bed—one I’ve had to replace because the damn thing wasn’t mine to take.

But it’s the first bed we had sex in, and she’s gone sentimental.

Groaning, she rolls over and curls into my chest. I hitch in a breath at my body’s reaction to her touch. We really do need to get up, but I’m desperate to be inside her again. I can barely keep my hands to myself when she’s around.

Her fingertips find the healing scars on my abdomen. They’re still red and angry, but I’m not in nearly as much pain. It was a small price to pay for getting her back.

She traces them more than is normal, and I know it’s because she feels responsible. It’s as if she’s trying to heal them. To rub the scars away with her touch.

Whatever the reason, it turns me on, so I don’t tell her to stop.

“I would love to lie here and have lazy sex with you all morning,” I tell her, whispering against her messy hair as my fingers glide over her skin. “But we have our new house to move into.”

“Your house,” she says.

“Oh, you want to rehash that argument.”

I bought a house on the outskirts of the city. It’s close enough that I can be in court within fifteen minutes, but it’s also quiet and has land that I plan to turn into Ainsley’s dream home.

I’ve been met with some resistance because she isn’t in a financial position to buy it with me. Not that I want her money. I’ll get the deeds changed so that she’s an equal owner one day, I just need to figure out how and when.

“No.” She sits up, groans again, and puts her head in her hands. “No arguing today because I’mdying.”

I trail my hand along her thigh, feeling electricity zap through my veins as I tough her. “You really are a terrible drinker. I’ll make coffee and cheese on toast. See if you can get vertical without vomiting.”

I get out of bed and watch her run her hands through her hair, trying and failing to make it look less like she was up all night having drunk sex. There are probably claw marks all over my back.

“Hey, Casper,” she says as I’m about to leave.


“I love you.”

Fuck. Me.

It’s the best kind of physical blow every time. “I love you, too, sweetheart.”

I linger for a minute, unable to take my eyes off her. Then, I head downstairs, I make two coffees and get the toast grilling. She’s going to need the caffeine.

On the counter, in a vase, is the dried sunflower that’s coming with us. She’s actually carting a dead flower around with her. I tease her about it, but I secretly love how much it means to her.

The house is quiet without Reggie and Marvin, but I love being here with her. It’s a taste of what’s to come. I’ve been craving it for years.

Imani and Marvin left after graduation yesterday because they needed to sign the lease on their new place. They’re pretty far away now, but they’re happy.

Freya moved in with her boyfriend, and they’re going to finish up their final year at university together.

Reggie is with whichever conquest he pulled last night, but he moves out today, too. His relationship with Eric is complicated, apparently. Thankfully, we’ll be seeing a lot of him since he’s renting a penthouse suite in the city—the one Marvin originally wanted us to move into.

The one that would’ve cost me Ainsley.

It’s an incredible apartment, huge with the best view, but it wasn’t worth her.

Reggie and Ainsley are going to go into business together. They have a second event booked on the back of the one they organised for my parents. I had nothing to do with it, which made her very happy.
