Page 22 of Villain

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“Why do you want to be a lawyer? Is it because of your parents?”

I’m met with complete silence.

Are we supposed to sit here and ignore each other while he waits for me to drink a glass of Coke? This is bloody weird. I want to fill the silence because sitting here with him is making my pulse flutter way too quickly.

What goes through his mind?

“Your parents are really nice,” I tell him.

I want to add ‘so what happened to you?’ but that seems a bit much.

“Mm,” he hums, and I can only just hear it. His tone is full of boredom. I don’t think he wants to make small talk.

It’s always been awkward when I don’t know what to say to someone, but I hate saying nothing even more. I get word vomit and keep talking rubbish.

“Your car is a bit ridiculous.”

“What the fuck, Ainsley?”

Ah, he speaks.

“It doesn’t suit you. I’ve always thought that. You don’t need a penis extension, you’re already a massive dick.” I laugh at my own joke.

Casper rubs his lips, and it sort of looks like he’s concealing his amusement.

“Drink,” he orders.

I can’t believe he has nothing else to say to that.

“I won that round.”

“For fuck’s sake, will youdrink.”

“I’m going to be peeing all night if I keep drinking this. Why are you so obsessed with this. You hate me. If you leave me to keep on with the Prosecco, I’ll probably fall on my face, then you’ll get a real laugh.”

He turns his head, going back to pretending that I don’t exist. Fine. Whatever. I don’t care.

I drain the last of the Coke and wiggle the glass in front of his face.

He takes one look at it, gets up, and walks away from me.


Drinking the night before an appointment was aterribleidea. In my defence, I only knew about the appointment an hour ago. Flora called and asked if I would meet her to go through some of the menu choices.

It’s sooner than I thought we’d be going through this, but I can hardly say no. Besides, it would be good to get something big ticked off the long list of things to do.

It’s quite nice having the opportunity to do this alone, too. When I get a job, I won’t have Reggie holding my hand. We work well together and can pick up where each other leaves. He hasn’t given me the impression that he sees himself as my boss, but he kind of is.

I’ll miss him once uni is over.

The bus dropped me at the stop, which is only a ten-minute walk from the castle, and that’s practically the time it takes to walk down the grand driveway alone.

It’s chilly out, but sunlight streams through the trees, causing a disco ball affect as the breeze dances through the leaves. New flowers begin to bud in the flowerbeds. The castle is about to explode with colour and make the event even more beautiful.

The sharp air is doing wonders for my hangover. As did the bacon sandwich.

Birds chirp on the branches above me. I smile as I walk, the fresh spring day making me happy.
