Page 26 of Villain

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“We don’t do that; we established that the other day.”

My trainers have only just dried out.

“Why is everything such a drama with you? Just get in the car.”

“I’mthe drama?”

“Ainsley,get in the car.”

“Casper, no, thank you.” I turn from him for what feels like the thousandth time and don’t look back.

He doesn’t follow me again, so I start down the long driveway. Good, he’s got the message. We need some time apart because spending time together is toxic. Minutes later, however, I realise he hasn’t given up at all. He pulls up in his car beside me and slowly creeps along.

That’s how we’re going to play it.

I keep my head forward and ignore him.

He winds the window down. “I’ll drive this car right beside you the whole way if I have to.”

“Enjoy that.” It’s not far to the bus stop. He’ll have to drive off then… unless he trails the bus.

“Get in. You’ll be home a lot quicker.”

“I’ve got all day,” I tell him, which is a total lie. I have a study group with some people on my course, going over business strategies in preparation for turning in a piece of coursework worth fifteen credits.

“Have you forgotten that I live with someone on the same course as you? Reggie mentioned your meeting.”

Ugh, I hate that. Reggie needs to talk less. Casper has the upper hand.

“What do you want from me?” I throw my arms up, exasperated. I’m so over this fight already and we’ve barely bickered.

“I want to give you a ride.”

A shiver rolls down my spine at the deep, husky tone in his voice.

A ride.

Fucking stop that right now, you weirdo.

Clearing my throat, I say, “Just go. I don’t need your help.”

I carry on, and so does he. The car has an annoying drone with an even more annoying driver. I take maybe ten more steps before Casper speaks again.

“There’s a car behind mine,” he says. “I wonder how pissed off they’re going to be when it takes an additional five minutes to reach the end of this driveway because of you.”

That makes me look. Someone is trying to get out, and with half the road blocked off for what I assume are renovations, it’s now a one- way system.

“There are passing places along the way. Pull into one of those and let them by,” I tell him.

“No, I don’t think I will. I’m in no hurry.”

“Don’t be a dick.”

“You’re the one holding us all up. Oh, another car now,” he says, glancing in his rear-view mirror. “Looks like the caterers are ready to leave. I hope they don’t have anywhere to be for a while.”

One of the drivers beeps their horn.

