Page 33 of Villain

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That means she does want him to stay but she doesn’t want to admit it. Freya has a hard time admitting that she, on rare occasion, needs a man’s help.

They sometimes have their uses, I suppose.

She’s waiting on me to decide. Of course, she knows that I would rather dip my head in acid than ask him to stay andprotectus.

Ugh, this is because I love you, Freya.

“If you don’t mind,” I say, and yes, the words do burn like I’ve swallowed said acid.

Freya wasn’t going to admit it, and I don’t want her lying awake worried. If having Casper here for the night makes her feel better, I’ll go along with it.

Casper does a double take, his shock clear in his expression.Ha. It’s a small victory, and one I will savour for the rest of my life.

I wish I’d taken a photo.

“All right,” he says, almost stuttering over those two words. It clearly wasn’t the answer he expected from me.

Freya mouths, “Thank you,” at me.

“Is Reggie at yours?” I ask. Maybe Casper could send him over instead.

Casper narrows his pretty eyes, probably guessing that I’d rather his roommate stayed. “He’s on a date. Don’t think he’ll be home tonight.”

“Can we call him back?”

“Do you want to?”

Damn it, no I don’t.

I turn to Freya, realising I’ve been staring at Casper for far too long because his gaze is like a freaking black hole, dragging you into oblivion.

“Are you okay?” I ask her.

Her cheeks are paler than usual. Gone is the blush that her boyfriend left behind. “I need more wine.”

“I can do that.”

While I pour more cheap wine, Casper heads next door to grab some things that he needs for the night.

“Thanks for asking him to stay,” she says, following me into the kitchen.

“You don’t need to thank me.”

“I know you’d rather not spend the night under the same roof as him, so I do appreciate it.”

“Our sofa isn’t comfortable, so it’s fine.”

She laughs, shaking her head, then everything gets serious again. “He’s doing us a favour, Ainsley. Has tonight not shown you that he’s a good guy really?”

My opinion of Casper Hart might not be the greatest, but I have never thought that he would laugh if we were in danger. “I’ll be nice, I promise.”

“You won’t suffocate him in his sleep?”

“I can’t promise anything,” I reply, topping her wineglass to the brim.

“Do I get a glass of that?” Casper asks.

Well, how long has he been back?
