Page 50 of Villain

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“I would have withheld my number.”

“Hence why I answered. You really are pale as fuck. You look terrible.”

Way to kick a girl while she’s down.

“Thanks.” I take a sip of coffee. “I’ll leave in a minute.”

“I’ve spoken to the landlord already. He’s agreed to fit an alarm.”

He answered this early? It’s 6:00 a.m.

“What?Heagreed to that? The tightest man in the world agreed to fit an alarm system.”

“I said he did, didn’t I?”

His clipped tone suggests that there’s more to the story but he doesn’t want to discuss it. I can only imagine how that conversation went. Casper always gets what he wants.

“Is he fitting one here, too?”

“What do you think?”

I think no.

“Are you worried?” I ask.

“What do you think?”

Again, no.

We’re conversing in questions and it’s making my head hurt.

“I’ll come with you,” he says, picking up my empty mug along with his. He puts both in the sink and folds his arms. “You haven’t moved. Get up.”

“You don’t need to come,” I say, hopping off the stool. He needs to stay here. I’m so far in his debt already, I can’t have him babysitting me today as well. I’llneverlive it down.

“Do you have your key?” he asks.

He’s ignoring my protests, then. Great.

I grab my keys and phone from where I was sitting at the counter.

I don’t look back as we walk back from his house to mine, up the path, through his gate, then through mine and down my path. Two little houses made from one. Identical gates, identical doors.

One house filled with home comforts, the other gadgets. So stereotypical.

I lead us into the house, and my heartrate skyrockets.

“Ainsley, you’ve lost more colour. At this point, you’re almost translucent.”

I suck in a breath and shove my keys in my pocket. “I’m fine. It’s weird.”

Before the break-in, I loved this house. It was a place where I could relax and be myself. I could lock the door and not think twice about my safety.

Will I ever feel comfortable here again?

“Are you hungry?”

I shake my head, heart racing. “I couldn’t eat if I wanted to.”
