Page 72 of Villain

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This is going to be expensive.

“What do I owe you?” I ask through gritted teeth.

He tilts his head to the side, gives me a look as if I’m simple, then walks out of the room.


Casper’s dead to me.


Again. Again. Times one hundred.

Imani was furious that I didn’t tell her. Freya, too. She Facetimed me for an hour but couldn’t get home until the following day. I told her not to come back early at all, but she still did.

I haven’t spoken to Casper in two days. Even Reggie was pissed at him when he returned. Then he was pissed at me for not telling him what had happened.

So, all Casper has managed to do is make everyone angry at us both.

No one is happy, and I feel like a fool for calling him in the first place and believing that we could be friends.

I’m so glad I didn’t do anything stupid.

I’m putting the need I had to screw his brains out down to a momentary lapse in judgement. Fear has a lot to answer for. But the break-in was days ago now, and I’m doing fine.

Everything is back to how it was. Now I just need to forget our truce ever happened.

Imani grilled me on what went on with the break-in. Then we drank a bottle of wine. We did the same thing with Reggie and Freya when they arrived home the following day, too.

Reggie and I have spent all day finalising a few more things for the event. We know how we want the castle to be visually and have most of the staging organised.

It’s a good feeling to tick a few more things off our list.

I’m sitting with Reggie, drinking more of Casper’s Waitrose wine, since we’ve just finished for the day. I’ve vowed to drink it all and not give a drop back to him.

Reggie takes the notebook out of my hand. “If you dare open that again…”

I let him take it and raise my hands. “I promise not to look at it again until I meet with Flora tomorrow.”

“You sure you’re okay to do that alone.”

“Of course. You’ve been wanting this date for ages. I’m only collecting her guest list.”

The invitations are to arrive exactly six weeks prior to the event. That means I need to pick up this list today so we can get it to the printer tomorrow.

“Have you spoken to Casper yet?”

“No, and I don’t want to. He’s so unreasonable, Reggie.”

“I’ll admit, he’s not always doing himself a favour, but I do know that he believes everything he does is the right thing, and it makes sense to him. He’s home tomorrow and was so stressed about going away, leaving you here alone.”

“What? He’s been away?”

“Stag do for one of his high school friends. That’s why he called us.”

Huh. Okay, but why not just explain that? He went behind my back and called our friends. It makes no sense. “Why wouldn’t he tell me?”

Reggie shrugs. “I said everything he does makes sense tohim.”
