Page 103 of Unlucky Like Us

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“Security’s on their way too,” Donnelly tells us. “You alright, Luna?”

“Yeah.” I try to control my racing heartbeat with a few breaths. I try to picture their dinner together, only happiness on the menu. I try to imagine we’re safe in a forcefield more durable than adamantium and vibranium combined. I try to envision a perfect tomorrow.

I hope.

And believe.

I’m okay.We’ll be okay.

Mom stretches over to my side and fumbles in the glove compartment. She hands me the only bottle of pepper spray.


“Take it.” She’s already dropped the bottle in my lap, and we keep eyeing the idle gray sedan behind us.

Fear tenses my bones, and I grip the pepper spray like a lightsaber.We’ll be okay.

And then all four of their car doors swing open.Four doors?

“Wait…”Wait.My pulse is in my throat. Is Boom Box riding with more cameramen? The two of them couldn’t have opened all four doors.

“What?” Donnelly asks. “Luna? You alright?”

Dread wraps around my windpipe like a vice, and I can barely breathe.

“What’s going on?” Dad questions. “Lil? Is she okay?”

“They’re getting out of their car,” Mom tells them.

“Jesus Christ,” Dad curses with a string of threats that echo distantly in my pounding eardrums.

“The car is locked, Luna,” Mom reminds me, trying to level the shakiness of her voice. “They’ll just take some photos and be gone. Poof.”

I’m really scared.

My ribcage constricts painfully around my lungs, and I hardly blink as these tall figures emerge on either side of our doors. It’s dark, rainy, but as I twist to my window, I catch sight of his hands.

There is no camera.

“That’s not Boom Box,” I say. “Donnelly!”

“STAY IN THE CAR!” he yells.

They smash our side windows. “Mom!” I scream as we’re showered with glass.

“Get out of the fucking car!” someone shouts.

“LILY!” Dad screams.

Everything happens so fast. Mom tries to reverse and run them over, but an arm swoops through her broken window, caging her by the collarbones and pulling her against her door. He’s wearing a black ski-mask.

I unbuckle, reach over, and spray his eyes.

“Fucking bitch!” he swears, not letting go of Mom, not even as she fights harder against his iron-like hold.

“We’re almost there.” I hear Donnelly distantly, but the glimmer of hope is too far away to catch, and my mom’s eyes suddenly widen at something behind me.

“NO!” Mom shrieks. “Don’t touch her!!”
