Page 31 of Dragon's Temptation

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It was very thoughtful.

I touched my hand to my chest.

Shit. My pendant. I’d taken it off yesterday for lab work and left it at home. Since the machine worked with magnets, I hadn’t been able to wear it.

I started searching for it. One of the suitcases contained my jewelry box, carefully packed with bubble wrap. Whoever had packed these things had been very meticulous.

Had Colter done it himself?


The jewelry box didn’t contain my pendant.


I opened the other bags, becoming more and more frantic the longer I searched without finding it.

I didn’t realize someone had appeared in the room until he spoke.

“What are you looking for?”

I jumped and spun around to face Colter.

“Do you make it a habit of sneaking up on people that way?” I demanded.

“If it’s in my own house, yeah.”

I bristled and turned back to my bags. I didn’t have time for bullshit. I had to find the pendant. It was the only thing I had left of my real mother, the only connection to who I really was.

“What are you looking for?” Colter asked again.

“I have a pendant I always wear, and it’s not here,” I said, not looking at him. “It means everything to me.”

“I got everything I thought was personal. I didn’t see a pendant. Where was it?”

“On my nightstand,” I said. “I took it off before work yesterday because of the lab… it’s not here.” I finally turned around and faced him. “We have to go get it.”

“I’m not letting you go home.”

“You can come with me if you’re scared that I’m going to use the opportunity to run away,” I said hotly.

“That’s not what I’m worried about,” Colter said. “You don’t seem to understand what danger you’re in.”

“Because you won’t tell me anything,” I clapped back.

“It’s for your own safety.”

“You keep saying that, but I don’t know anything other than the fact that you won’t let me leave, and my pendant isn’t here.” I stared at him, and Colter glared right back.

We were locked in a staring contest, a battle of wills. Finally, I looked away. I knew I was deferring to his authority, but damn it, what was I supposed to do? I needed him to take me back.

For what it was worth, if the attack yesterday was anything to go by, and vampires really were real… I needed him to protect me, too.

Colter was scary as hell, but he was also strangely attractive, and despite being grumpy and unpolished at times, he seemed to really care about keeping me safe.

From what, I still didn’t know.

“Fine,” Colter said. “We’ll go back to your apartment to see if your pendant is there, but if it’s not, that’s it.”
