Page 35 of Dragon's Temptation

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“Colter?” Liv asked in a small voice.

I stared at her. The moment the demon touched her, her skin started to glow. I blinked, but it was real; it wasn’t a trick of the light.

“You’re going to be okay,” I said. “I’ve got you.”

I didn’t know what this piece of shit demon wanted, but I was going to keep my word to Liv.



Itasted my heart in my throat, and my whole body was numb. Whatever this monster was, it felt like it was made of ice. The cold arm that wrapped itself around my neck reminded me of a slithering snake, but it didn’t feel like a snake.

What do you know about what a snake feels like?

The little voice in my head tried to rationalize whatever the hell was happening right now, but I couldn’t make sense of it.

Monsters aren’t real.

Monsters aren’t real.

Monsters aren’t real.

Except, it turned out they were, and there were so many of them.

“You’re going to be okay,” Colter said.

I stared at him as he held up his hand, and it changed before my eyes. It was almost like a trick of the light. I saw the change happening, and at the same time, I couldn’t believe what I saw.

When it was an enormous claw, scaled and menacing, what Rory said came back to me.

Dragon shifter.

I lifted my hand and froze. My skin was glowing. It looked like I was illuminated from the inside. I stared at my hand as I turned it around and around.

“Liv,” Colter said. “Look at me.”

“What’s happening?” I asked, my voice as small and terrified as I felt.

“You’re going to be okay.”

The monster that held onto me laughed, and the sound scraped against my skin, pushed into my mouth, and scraped the back of my throat. It was horrific.

“You sound so earnest, that I almost believed you there,” the monster said.

“Let her go,” Colter said in a low, growling voice. “No one has to get hurt. Give her to me, and you can fuck off to where you came from.”

“You see, that’s the problem with you shifters,” the monster said. His voice was horrible, sounding like three people talking at the same time, filling the room so that if I hadn’t been right up against him, I wouldn’t have been able to tell where the sound was coming from. “You’re so arrogant, thinking that you’re invincible, but you all die in the end.”

“You can’t touch us when you do, and that pisses you off,” Colter said. His voice had become much deeper, sounding like a growl when he talked.

The monster behind me laughed. “Demons have bigger things to worry about than whether or not we can face shifters in the afterlife.”


“Last chance, asshole,” Colter growled. “Let her go.”

“Make me,” the demon hissed.
