Page 68 of Dragon's Temptation

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“We had to leave you with humans. It was the safest place we could think of. You couldn’t live in the Overworld, because even though you’re half angel, you also have fae blood in you. So, you can’t live in the Overworld until your essence—or soul if you will—leaves your earthly body.”

I tried to process everything I’d learned. I wanted to sit down and cry. My parents had loved me. I’d had a mother and a father who’d given their lives to save me. Oh, how I wished I could have known them. How I wished things were different.

“If she’s angel and fae, then she’s a fully enchanted being,” Colter said.

Andra nodded. “She is.”

Colter looked at me. “Do you know what that means?”

I stayed silent. I struggled to understand what anything meant these days.

“It means you’re going to live a long, full life. Enchanted beings live for centuries on earth.”

“What?” That didn’t make any sense, but Andra nodded confirmation.

“What about my powers?” I asked, changing the topic. “If I’m enchanted, I have magic?”

“You should,” Andra said.

“I can’t access it. Until this all happened, I didn’t even know I was anything other than human.”

“Hmm,” Andra said. “You can’t access it at all?”

I shook my head, and Colter spoke up, volunteering the stories about the demon and how we got the machine out of there with the help of light pouring out of me.

“It’s not something I could repeat if I tried,” I said softly.

“Let’s see, child,” Andra said, and she held out her hand. I hesitated before I took it. Andra scared me a little—her magic was different than what I’d felt before. Probing, invasive, like someone getting up in my personal space. Not as a threat, but it made me uncomfortable. I felt like I was stripped naked in front of her, and she saw parts of who I was that I didn’t show anyone.

Not that I’d become a pro on magic over the past few weeks.

Andra muttered something under her breath in a language I didn’t understand, and the warmth of her magic pulsed through me. It shifted, changed, becoming less invasive and more caring.

Could magic be caring?

Finally, she opened her eyes and looked at me.

“There,” she said.


“I’ve done a spell. We’ll know more in the morning.”

“The morning?” I asked.

“The spell needs time, child. We will find our answers soon. Trust the process. You should rest. I have prepared a room for you in the cottage.”

Colter and I both stood, and Norden led us to the cottage. Andra wouldn’t come with us. Norden seemed to be the one in charge of managing the home and taking care of everything.

“If you need anything, just shout, and I’ll make it happen,” Norden said when we found our luggage in the cottage.

“Thank you,” I said.

Norden nodded and disappeared, and then Colter and I were alone.

“Well,” I said, not knowing how else to phrase it.

“Yeah,” Colter answered.
