Page 77 of Dragon's Temptation

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“I never asked you to protect me,” she snapped. “You’re the one who decided to take me to your place, to try to teach me to fight, and all of this other shit on top of it. I didn’t ask for any of it.”

“It’s to keep you safe,” I said again. I tried to keep my voice calm. “You won’t react the same way as before. You had a spell on you that blocked your magic, and because of it, using it backfired. I’m pretty sure that’s what happened.”

“Prettysure?” Liv asked, and laughed sarcastically. “You don’t even know what you’re talking about.” She shook her head and turned her back on me. “I’m not doing this.”

“They’re going to find you now, Liv,” I said. “No matter where I hide you, no matter where you are or what you do, they’ll find you, and they’ll hunt you for your blood.”

“You don’t know that,” she said.

“No? You were already attacked twice, and that was before anyone really knew what you were. Why do you think the angels left? Why do you think Andra hides out here? Your blood calls out to vampires as a beacon. It’s dangerous for you if you don’t know how to look after yourself, and everything you had going for you before is gone. The spell is broken.”

Liv was furious with me. Her anger came at me in scalding waves, and I hated it. I didn’t want her upset with me, but she just didn’t get it, and the fact was that she wasn’t safe. If we didn’t do something…

Why the hell didn’t she understand how serious this was?

“You know what? I can stand here and argue with you all day, but that won’t change anything. I’m not going to stay here and let you tell me who to be and what to do. I’m out.”

She turned around and started walking away. I hurried after her and grabbed her arm.

“Don’t you dare!” she yelled and yanked her arm back, glaring at me.

“Your parents were killed over this, Liv,” I said.

“Don’t you talk about them,” Liv warned.

“Your mother was killed for her blood, her magic. You can’t ignore that; you can’t pretend it didn’t happen.”

“I’m warning you,” Liv threatened.

“Everything they did for you will all just be in vain if you walk away and you don’t do something about this,” I pushed.

It was getting to her, pushing her closer and closer to the edge, and if I had to push her until she snapped, that was what I was going to do. I had to dosomethingto get her to take that next step. Otherwise, I would lock her up in my house forever, if that was what it took to keep her safe. I had to make sure they didn’t get to her, whether she liked it or not.

“Colter, I’m serious,” Liv said. “You know nothing about me, about the life I built for myself. You don’t know—”

“What, you’re just going to go back to the life you used to live? Do you really think that life is still worth it?”

“Just because I’m not a billionaire like you?” she asked hotly.

“Because that life is nothing but human, and it’s everything you’re not anymore.”

“I worked hard for what I had!” Liv shouted.

“So do something with it so you have something to show for it moving forward,” I said.

“Stop trying to tell me what to do!” Liv exclaimed. She was getting angrier and angrier.

I hated fighting with her, but it was the only way she would let go and do what she needed to do.

“You can’t keep running, Liv,” I said. “You ran away from everything that bothered you instead of facing it head on—you ran away from your foster home, rather than making your foster father pay for his treatment of you, and you didn’t face Jerry head on when he treated you badly, either.”

That hit the nerve I needed to hit.

“Don’t make it sound like I’m a coward. I’m not!” She took three quick steps toward me and pushed against my chest. The power that flowed through her hands when she did and the sheer strength behind her push was so great, I flew backward and hit a rock a couple of feet away.

I fell to the ground, pain racking my body, but laughter ripped from my throat.

“That’s it!” I cried out. “There!”
