Page 79 of Dragon's Temptation

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“It is,” I agreed. “You’ll get used to the idea as time goes on.”

The rushing sound of the waterfall grew louder and louder as we came closer to a lake with a rushing waterfall that cascaded down the side of the mountain. The water was shallow, and we waded through it, scooping water to clean ourselves.

I looked at Liv as she washed her face. She looked so different from before—she was still the same beauty as the first day I’d met her, but something about her had changed now that her power had been unlocked.

She had an inner beauty that shone through, she glowed in a way she hadn’t before.

She looked up at me, catching me staring at her, and her cheeks flushed bright pink.

“What?” she asked.

“You’re beautiful,” I said.

She looked down shyly. “Don’t say that.”

“You are.” I took a step closer to her and pushed her hair over her shoulder. “I wish you could see yourself the way I see you.” With my fingers tangled in her hair, she looked up at me, and I leaned in and kissed her.

She kissed me back.

“What are we, Colter?” she asked when I broke the kiss. “What are we doing?”

“I don’t know,” I said. “I don’t ask myself as many questions as you do. Can’t we just let it be what it is?”

“I can’t,” she said.

“I think I’m falling for you,” I said. “And I want to act on that. So I kiss you, to show you how I feel, because words aren’t my thing.”

“You’re falling for me?”

“Yeah,” I said. “I don’t know how, and I don’t know why—I don’t do this. But I’m falling in love you, and I’m tired of fighting it.”

“I’m falling for you, too,” she said softly, her eyes large and dark, and I could just get lost in them.

I lowered my head and kissed her again. All I wanted was for her to be on the same page as me. We could figure out the rest together.

“Come on,” I said, holding out my hand. “We should get back before it gets dark. When we get home, I want to make it official. You’re mine, and I want the whole world to know it.”

I pressed my lips against her forehead.

Liv slipped her hand into mine, and we walked back the way we’d come. Her hand fit perfectly into mine, as if she was made for me. Maybe, just maybe, that could be true.

I glanced at her, and fuck if I wasn’t the luckiest man in the world.



When we got back home, it was back to business as usual. Colter and I had decided I would stay at the penthouse a while longer, until he was satisfied I could adequately defend myself.

I had to admit that I agreed with him. My whole world had changed, and now I was in a lot of danger. That was the downside of who and what I was.

The upside of being an enchanted being meant that I had magic that I could use, and power that was beyond anything I could have ever imagined before.

I wanted to stay with Colter for a while longer and train, using my newfound power and learning how to use it.

That, and the fact that Colter and I were together now. I wanted to be with him as much as I could.

What would happen moving forward, when I could fight and take care of myself, and I could go home again? That part was still uncertain, but we would figure it out when we got there.
