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“Going down?” he asked.

I nodded.

“Good.” He stepped into the elevator, and the doors slid shut again.

I was painfully aware of how small the elevator was, how close Colter stood to me. Heat radiated from his skin, and his presence was almost electric all around me.

“Productive day?” he asked.

“In a sense,” I said.

“The meeting was a fruitful one.”

“Was it?” I asked. “I wasn’t under the impression you liked what you heard.”

Colter glanced at me. He radiated confidence. He knew how good-looking he was, how powerful. He was the man who made things happen. With his money and his position, everyone groveled at his feet, and he seemed to relish in that idea.

I wouldn’t be one of them.

“Maybe it’s no thanks to Jerry’s speech that I might consider the venture, but because of the company he keeps.”

He offered me a grin that made me feel unbalanced. He knew exactly the effect he had on women, and it pissed me off that he had that same effect on me. I didn’twantto melt when he looked at me like that.

“Are you flirting with me?” I asked.

Colter turned so that his body was almost right against mine. When I took a step back, my back hit the wall of the elevator, and Colter leaned against the wall behind me, his arm above my head. His face was centimeters from mine, and he stared at my lips for a second.

Would he kiss me? I ached for him to kiss me—to feel his lips against my own. What would he taste like? Would his kiss be as commanding as everything else about him?

“You’re in my personal space,” I said in a breathy voice.

Colter chuckled and looked me in the eye.

“If I were flirting with you, you wouldn’t have to ask, sweetheart. You’llknowI’m attracted to you.”

His words were soft, his tone so low it sounded almost like a growl, and it danced along my skin, making me shiver. His breath was hot against my cheek, and he smelled like musk and something very masculine. Heat washed over my body, even though I didn’t want to react to him. I didn’t want him to know how my body responded to him and his nearness.

What would he look like without a shirt? Images popped into my head of me on my knees in front of him, sucking him off. My hands running down his chest and his perfectly chiseled abs. The taste of his skin, the feel of him inside of me, thick and throbbing…

I gasped. Where had those thoughts come from?

I looked at Colter, and his eyes were filled with a hunger that made me blush. I swallowed hard.

“Tell me,” Colter said in a throaty voice.

“What?” I asked. At that moment, I wanted to tell him everything. His piercing eyes dug into my very existence, drawing me out.

“What are you?”

The question jarred me out of the hypnotic trance I’d felt I was in.

“Why do you keep asking me that?”

He stared at me, holding my gaze.

“I’m a researcher. I’m an employee here. I don’t know what else you want me to say,” I told him.

Colter frowned slightly and straightened. “Oh.”
