Page 61 of Bear's Protection

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Jameson bucked his hips, and I cried out his name and held onto his perfectly sculpted shoulders as he rocked my futon, scraping across the floor.

“You feel so incredible,” Jameson said, grunting one word with every trust. My nerve endings were electrified, and my body tensed and released in rhythm with Jameson’s fucking.

My body ached with need for a release.

Jameson kissed me hard before he picked up his pace. I whimpered with pleasure with every thrust. Fire washed through me, setting every part of my body and soul alight, and Jameson’s face was close to mine, our hot breaths mingling.

When my orgasm crashed into me, it was like a wave of hot water that filled me, consumed me.

Jameson was right there with me, and he thrust into me as far as he could go before he released inside of me.

His breathing turned into grunts in my ear, and I felt his release roll through him. His muscles tightened, and his cock was thick and throbbing inside me, a pulse on its own.

I trembled around his cock, my walls clamping down on his, and our bodies worked together, riding out the pleasure. We cried out in unison, a song of intimacy between two mates who were fated to be together.

The power that spilled out of Jameson was sudden, and mine followed as if a dam wall had broken. Magic filled the room, and our bond was solidified even more than before. We breathed hard in the aftermath, riding out the wave of magic now that the orgasms subsided, and Jameson and I were so close, I wasn’t sure where he ended and I began.

I didn’t know how long we stayed like that, melded together. When he finally slipped out of me and rolled off me, I was acutely aware of his absence.

He didn’t let it last long. He pulled me onto him, and I collapsed, my body made of jelly and pleasure and magic.

My loft bed looked small under Jameson’s large frame, but we didn’t need all that much space when we were melded together the way we were.

I lay on his chest, his heart beating rhythmically against my cheek. He had an arm around my shoulder and slowly trailed his hand up and down my arm.

“You used to live here,” Jameson said.

I nodded against his chest.

“I know that I said I didn’t remember your mother, but I do. I had forgotten about her over the years, but getting closer to you made me remember. Aurora Gilbert. She was a fox, too. She was in our circles for a while. I didn’t realize she had a baby; she seemed to have disappeared.”

A pang shot through me when he mentioned my mom’s name. She must have laid low after she had me, to protect me. That had always been her main concern—looking after me, making sure I had everything I needed. She’d put my needs above her own time and time again.

“I miss her.”

“She was a good shifter. I didn’t know her very well, but I do remember that.”

It was nice that the memory of my mom was still there, not just in my mind but in the minds of others, too.

“I’m sorry for your loss,” Jameson added. “I know the pain of losing someone, and it’s hell to have to deal with.”

“Yeah,” I said softly.

Jameson knew all about loss, too.

“Can I ask how she died?” I was talking about Delaney again.

Jameson stiffened when I asked. I didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable or to share something with me he didn’t want me to know.

“If you don’t want to talk about it, that’s totally—”

“She was murdered,” Jameson said in a hoarse voice.

I glanced up at him. He stared up at the ceiling, his expression stony.

“I had a partner in the business world, Tate.”

My body ran cold when he mentioned my dad’s name.
