Page 67 of Bear's Protection

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“If you leave and take your drama with you, then we won’t have a problem,” Felix concluded. “Okay?”

“Okay,” I said in a small voice.

Felix nodded once, a confirmation to himself more than anything meant for me, and he turned around and sauntered away as if he’d been window-shopping all along.

I stood on the sidewalk, shivering despite the heat.

I couldn’t just leave. Jameson and I were fated. Living without him… I couldn’t imagine what that would be like. Now that we were bound, we belonged together.

If I left, I would leave all of that. I would also be in more trouble than I was now. If the veil really was fading away, then it would be easier for my dad to find me. I would have to keep running for the rest of my life, and he would catch up to me.

The only reason I’d been able to hide for this long was thanks to the spell that was now letting me down.

I wouldn’t be safe from my dad if I left. As long as I was here, working for Jameson, bound to him, and technically under his protection, I would be safe. Jameson could protect me against my dad. That was why I’d taken the job in his club in the first place.

He just couldn’t find out who I was. How long would Felix keep his mouth shut about all of this?

I had to figure out how to get rid of that amulet once and for all, and fast. I couldn’t just throw it away; my dad would find it, and then he’d use that power to keep doing what he did. I couldn’t keep it; it was already putting me in danger.

I couldn’t destroy it without the help of someone powerful enough, and the only fae I knew refused.

I’d never meant for this whole arrangement to be forever, but my time had suddenly run out, and I was living on borrowed time now.



Ibuzzed Oaklee’s intercom and waited.


I frowned. Maybe she wasn’t in. I hadn’t called to tell her I was coming over. I’d just missed her and thought I’d drop by.

I buzzed another time.

“Yeah?” her voice came over the intercom. It didn’t sound like she’d just woken up, which had been the alternative. I was glad I hadn’t woken her up, at least.

“It’s me,” I said.

She buzzed me in a moment later, and I walked up the stairs that led to her apartment.

It was such a shitty place. For a moment, I entertained the idea of asking her to move in with me.

Would that be too soon? We barely knew each other. We’d only worked together for a few weeks, and it was only now that I could say we were actuallydating,even though I hadn’t officially asked her to be mine. The mate bond had done that for me.

If she was my fated mate, she would end up in my home sooner or later, anyway. I didn’t want to be apart from her. When we were away from each other, I yearned for her in a way I’d never yearned for anyone. Since Oaklee had walked into my life, nothing had been able to distract me from the pain that losing Delaney had caused, but Oaklee was a silver lining to any storm, a point of light in the darkness, the rainbow after the rain.

She had very suddenly become everything to me, and I hadn’t even been looking for someone to spend my life with.

That wasn’t something I took lightly.

“Jameson,” she said when I reached the top floor, and she stood in the open doorway, waiting for me. “What are you doing here?”

She was closed off, distant. I sensed it through our bond.

“I had to see you,” I said. “I missed you.”

Her eyes softened a little, and I felt warmth rushing from her. I couldn’t tell if it was my emotions I felt, or hers. I felt like this around her all the time now.
