Page 42 of Twist of Date

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With my fingers threaded in his once perfectly styled hair, I hang on for dear life as the first waves of pleasure rush through me.

I may have dreamed of this moment ever since our first kiss, but my fingers are no match for reality.

He pushes me so far over the edge that I can barely catch my breath.

Lost in a lust-filled haze, I barely register the change in our position and cool hardwood floor against my back.

“Layla, I can’t go slow. Not this time,” he warns.

I nod in complete understanding. I’ve never felt like this with anyone else. It’s like I’m on fire and Cole’s the only one who can possibly put out the flames.

I expect him to slam inside me with the same fever rush, but he takes his time, inch by delicious inch, until there’s nothing between us. Only then does he roll his hips and begin fucking me in a way that I know we both need.

Still sensitive thanks to his mouth, I’m already on the edge. Soaring higher and higher with each thrust.


“Right here, baby,” he pants, burying his head against my neck.

“I…” I can’t find the words to even begin to tell him how amazing this feels.

“I know.” He presses a kiss against my skin and then gives it a little nip.

This time when my orgasm hits, Cole is coming with me.

“Fuck. Layla!” he roars as his body trembles.

Spent but not yet sated, he nearly collapses, yet he’s still careful not to put all of his weight on me.

“Better than I imagined.” He smirks playfully.

“Hm. Maybe next time we can make it to the bed,” I tease, not totally ready to tell him just how well he rocked my world.

Cole takes that as a challenge and we eventually make it to my bed where he claims me, over and over again until the sound of a growl and yip from down the hall gets out attention.

Rolling out of bed, Cole pulls on his boxer briefs and I snag my sleep tank that’s folded on top of the dresser.

He wrenches my bedroom door to where we find a playful Pepper with Cole’s shoe in her mouth. As I walk closer to her, she drops the shoe and lets out a playful bark. That’s when I see she wasn’t bringing us his shoe. No, she ruined it!

“Oh no! Bad Pepper. Go to your bed,” I scold her. She tucks tail and heads to her crate.

Holding his black loafer in his hand, he turns it this way and that, giving it a good look over. I’m of course mortified.

“I’m so sorry, Cole. She’s never been a chewer. I don’t know why she picked your shoe to start.” I shoot my pup a glare as I notice she is inching her way back down the hall. I point at her and she turns around, back toward her crate.

“It’s all right. Maybe she thought I was hurting her mom.” He smirks and gives me an eyebrow wag. I push him in the arm as we head back into my room. He tells me this was her way of telling him it was time to leave. With one last searing kiss after he dresses, he leaves.

Leaning against the front door, I close my eyes. Resting my hand over my forehead, I can’t help but smile.

Oh man, what did I just do...and when can I do it again?

* * *

I scan the large, private meeting room and notice that it is a wonderful space for our quarterly speed dating events. I was hesitant to host at LACE, for multiple reasons, but mostly because I wasn’t sure it would be a fit for our event. But I was wrong.

There are five long tables set up in rows and chairs spaced out accordingly to ensure a little bit of space between each couple. There isn’t a bar back here, but we’ve been assigned four waitstaff for the event to ensure all our guests will be taken care of.

We had forty people registered for tonight, which is a great turnout. What I’m super excited about is that both Stella and Hazel are here.
