Page 16 of The Lies We Tell

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“Come on, sweetheart,” Gabe said. “If I’d known you wanted to dance, I would have put some music on.”

Grace swept her foot out, but he blocked it with his forearm. They kept circling, and Gabe’s taunting smile was beginning to get on her nerves.

“When was the last time you were in the ring?” she asked. “You’ve been out of the action for a while now. I think you’ve slowed down with old age.”

“Like hell.”

He swung out, and she blocked the strike, but she felt the vibration of his powerful punch all the way up her arm. She was glad he’d pulled it.

“Besides, sometimes slower is better. You remember, don’t you?”

How could she forget? Her body tingled with awareness even as her brain fought for sanity. He was fighting dirty.

“The silver hairs are new,” she taunted. “It makes you look very distinguished.” She swept her foot again, but this time followed it up with a punch to the solar plexus, and then she pushed her full weight against him to bring him to the floor. He put his arms around her to cushion the fall, but it was still like hitting a cement wall.

“Pin,” she said.

“I don’t have silver in my hair.”

“I know.” She jumped up and bounced on the balls of her feet. She knew he’d let her take him down. She could tell by the brace of his body as she hit against him. But he wasn’t going to let her win again. He immediately charged at her and took her down to the mat, pulling his weight at the last minute so he didn’t crush her.

“Pin,” he whispered against her ear, causing her to shiver.

Sweat dripped from his hair down his face, and his body was hard against hers. He pushed off of her slowly and pulled her to her feet.

Her heart was in her throat, and the fierce need building inside of her made it hard to think. Just as he’d planned. She jumped up and sent a roundhouse to his head, but he swatted her foot aside and laughed. Their strikes at each other grew faster and harder. Their bodies closer together. Their breaths mingled, and their skin slickened with sweat, and every touch was like a flash of lightning straight to her core. She faked a punch, and he ducked, grabbing her around the waist. Their limbs tangled, and they fell together to the mat in a twisted mass of arms and legs.

They stared at each other, eyes wide, as they panted for breath. “Pin,” Gabe said softly.

“Looks like you win the prize.”

“Grace,” he whispered, and then took her mouth in a desperate kiss. “You taste good.”

The feel of him against her was like coming home. And it scared her. She couldn’t do this. He would open up all the wounds she’d spent the last two years cauterizing, and she couldn’t let it happen. No matter what her body wanted. Her breathing turned to desperate gasps as panic clawed at her.

“No, wait. Stop,” she rasped.

Grace pushed against his chest, and he looked down at her, the glaze of lust in his eyes so heavy she thought he wouldn’t be able to stop. But Gabe had always had an inordinate amount of self-control. He shook his head once to clear it and pushed away from her, rolling onto his back.

Grace rolled onto her side and curled into herself. Her lungs burned, and her skin was clammy with fear and unspent desire. Nausea made her close her eyes and count her breaths. She didn’t know how long she’d been closed in on herself when Gabe’s panicked voice finally got through.

“Grace, tell me what’s wrong, baby.”

He was stroking her hair, and it felt good. She brought her hands up to her face and found her cheeks wet with tears. What was wrong with her? She was losing her mind. She looked around to reorient herself. Gabe’s hair hung low on his forehead, and his eyes were full of concern.

Grace pushed his hand away and sat up slowly. She cleared her throat before she spoke. “Sorry about that. I get panic attacks sometimes. It’s no big deal.”

“You scared ten years off my life,” he said sharply. “It seems like a pretty big deal to me.”

“It’s none of your business, Gabe. Leave it alone.”

“If something’s wrong with you, it’s very much my business. Other than the obvious reasons, I also have a team to manage. I have a right to know everything down to the smallest detail about each of you.”

“I can go back on our bargain anytime, Gabe. Don’t push me on this.” She moved toward the elevator and escape.


The sound of his voice stopped her. It wasn’t demanding or threatening, but understanding, and she couldn’t deal with it right now.

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