Page 7 of The Lies We Tell

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“We’ve got company,” Logan said, meeting Gabe’s eyes in the rearview mirror. “They’re trained. Two cars—one black, one tan—trading off positions since we left the airport.”

“Open the screen,” Gabe said and turned to stare at Grace. “Who have you been pissing off lately?”

“This tail isn’t for me. I’ve been off the grid for two years.”

“I was able to find you.”

“I guess that makes you special,” she said sarcastically. “Fine, maybe they’re here for me. Pull over and I’ll ask them nicely before I put a bullet between their eyes.”

“Always the charmer,” Gabe said.

“If shooting them is out, maybe you should ask yourself if anyone knows Frank Bennett sent you this information.” She held up the file in question. “There are obviously leaks in Frank’s office, or he wouldn’t be dead.”

Gabe grunted in agreement and waited while Logan flipped a switch on the dashboard. A six-by-six television screen came into view, showing a full view of the traffic behind them.

“Do you want me to lose them?” Logan asked.

“Not yet,” Gabe said. “Let’s see if we can get an identification. Slow down a little.”

Logan followed instructions while Gabe opened his satellite phone and pressed a number on speed dial. He switched to speakerphone and kept his eyes on the screen as it rang. The voice that answered was amused.

“This is Dragon at command. Looks like you brought back trouble, Ghost. I’ve been watching the drama unfold from my laptop.”

The voice was young, and Grace raised her brows at the teasing tone coming through the line. Gabe didn’t suffer fools lightly. And he suffered cheeky agents even less.

“Do you have a visual?” Gabe asked.

“I’ve got a partial face of the driver in the black Audi. The windows are tinted, so that might delay things a bit until I can get the image cleaned up. I’ll run it through the system and see if we get lucky first, though. The plates are bogus.”

“What about the second vehicle?”

“I don’t see the secondary vehicle,” Dragon said. “Are you sure there’s another?”

“We’re coming up to an exit off the motorway,” Logan said. “They’ll switch places.”

The inside of the car was tense with silence as they all watched the black sedan take the next exit.

“I still don’t have a visual on the secondary vehicle,” Dragon said.

“He’s there,” Logan growled. “I know how to spot a tail, boy.”

Grace raised her brows at that. “Boy?” she mouthed.

Gabe rolled his eyes.

“Settle down, Grim Reaper,” Dragon said, taunting the agent. “You’re so uptight. You’ve got to learn to relax. Maybe get into CBD oils or something. There’s a guy down on the corner…”

“I’ve got a visual,” Gabe said before things got out of hand. “Tan sedan at five o’clock.”

“Well, would you look at that,” Dragon said. “I guess Grim Reaper really does know what he’s talking about.”

“Dragon, shut up before you end up with your throat slit in your sleep,” Gabe said.

“Sure thing, Ghost,” the boy said unrepentantly. “I’m real agreeable like that. Nobody likes to have fun around here. Bunch of old—”

“Dragon,” Gabe said again.

“Yeah, yeah,” he said. “I’m running the second face through the recognition program. The plates on the tan sedan are also fake.”
