Page 26 of Dangerous Strokes

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It’s only been three days, but seeing her again does something peculiar to my insides. For the first time in my life, I have to wonder… is this what everyone means bybutterflies?

“It’s gonna hammer down in a minute!” one of them, maybe Hanna, shouts over the loud wind in an urgent tone.

Raindrops have started to fall, no trace of the warm light from the setting sun anymore, the forest much darker than it should be at this time of day. Its song much more violent.

They pick up the pace, but we’re right there with them, and I’m focused on the woman who clouds my judgment with the need for her. Her brown hair, black in this lack of light, flowing as she begins to run. She’s practically goddamn floating. This is one of those moments that would be shown in slow motion in movies… it feels like it is.

They stop, catching their breath, and carefully look around before they exchange a knowing gaze, probably realizing that all this rustling of leaves might not be just from the wind. Finn and I made sure to hide, stalking behind trees and dense bushes, getting closer and closer to the creatures who lured us here.

Suddenly, lightning bathes the forest in an eerie light, just as the first thunder of this brewing storm cracks, and my witch jumps into a sprint with a loud yelp.

I don’t hesitate. I run after her, the adrenaline and excitement pulling at my lips, the roaring anticipation of getting my hands on her, something I’ve never experienced. My cock is already hard—too hard—rubbing uncomfortably against my jeans. I want her more than I’ve ever wanted any other woman. Every other desire I’ve had before her pales in comparison. I almost regret not taking her behind that waterfall. Almost.

The smell of her skin, the taste of her, the way she fit against me, it was so goddamn intoxicating. I was close… but I couldn’t. Even without the interruption, I didn’t want to take it further in that place. I fooled myself by reasoning that teasing her was my retaliation for pulling me into her game, but in reality, I wanted more for her. She deserves better than a quick fuck.

But after three nights of dreams haunted by her, as I watch her sweet body move through this thickening rain, I don’t think I can give her better. I don’t think I can wait. I can’t fucking help myself. I need her.

My flesh feels wrong without her body wrapped around me, my fucking lungs won’t stop heaving unless she’s swallowing my breaths, and my heart won’t stop racing unless she’s there to soothe it. I almost hate myself for these thoughts… they taste slightly bitter, like weakness. But maybe it’s because she’s not officially mine yet.

Then, it’s time to make her.

Lightning splashes our whole world in shades of blue, and she turns her head right at that moment, stumbling as she sees me running not that far behind her. She yelps as I grin, and I could have sworn I caught a glimpse of a smile before she turned back around, quickening her steps.

I could try so much harder, run so much faster. I could catch her in the next few seconds. But why spoil the fun? Especially seeing how hard she’s pushing herself, knowing full well goosebumps mar her skin because of me. Even better, knowing that she still hasn’t touched her pussy, made herself come without me.

I can guarantee she’s getting slicker by the second between those sweet thighs. It’s not even wishful thinking. It’s a fact.

And I’m about to prove it.

“Such an easy game you’re playing, little witch?” I shout.

We must be nearing the house now, but as I finish that taunt, the damn woman takes a sharp right through some tall ferns and bushes, and I lose her. Clearly, this is not all she has. This rain is falling harder now, and as I stop to wipe it from my eyes, I listen to the forest. Listen for her.

I think she stopped too.

Walking slowly in the direction she disappeared in, I use the wind to cover my movements. I catch a glimpse of her signaling something to her friend still in the distance, as she moves fluidly from the shadow of a tall bush to hide behind a large tree.

Then I’m there, on the other side of that tree, and before I can do anything, I see Finn stalk behind Hanna, suddenly wrapping a hand around her middle while covering her face and pulling her back behind some tall foliage, the wind drowning her muffled yelp.

“Hanna?” Annika calls for her friend, forgetting about her cover, and turns to find her gone. “Hanna?!” Her breathing picks up, forcing herself to control the panic. “This is not funny! Hanna!”

She’s distracted, and just like that, I round the tree and I’m right behind her. She’s dripping wet from the rain, as am I, yet the heat of her body warms me, even though we’re not touching. Her muscles still all at once, her shoulders frozen in place. The tension is palpable. I could do it. Take her right here, right now.

I could flip her around and sink into her against this tree. I could do so much more.

But I like this game.

“Run,” I growl in her ear.

“Aaah!” she yelps and sprints away, not even daring to look back.

I take off after her, a great big fucking grin making my cheeks hurt, reveling in her quick step, her nerves, her growing sense of dread as she stumbles, caught by various roots and plants.

Even if it’s already raining, somehow I can sense the moment the skies break open all at once, and the water that falls on us is so dense, I can barely see a few yards in front of me and the ground becomes a slippery mess. It makes this hunt even more rousing.

“You wanted a chase, Annika! But you don’t seem to be running fast enough! Almost like you don’t want it as bad as I thought you did.”

I let the words drift through the trees, and they seem to fuel her as she picks up the pace.
