Page 92 of Dangerous Strokes

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“They’ll handle it. Buckle your seatbelt, Annika.”

Annika… when does he ever call me by my name?What a clusterfuck this night has turned into.

And isn’t it all freaking levels of wrong that I’m still turned on…

* * *

“You just saw me kill a man. A man who was there for the whole trauma you experienced,” he says as he captures my wrists in his when I try to get closer to him, in the elevator on the way up to his penthouse.

“And now he’s dead. Gone.”

He was quiet, tense, throughout the whole car ride back to the building. And yes, I did just witness him kill a man, but… something snapped within me when I watched someone murder my best friend. After that… everything pales in comparison.

“I’m not putting you through this right now. You need to rest.”

“No! Ronan… please. I want—Ineedto replace all these shitty things happening in my life with good ones.”

“You literally want me to fuck the memories out of your mind,” he says, staring at me in disbelief. Though there’s a tinge of amusement in his eyes.

The elevator dings, doors opening far too slowly, and he rushes through the penthouse, as I almost run after him.

“Yes! That’s right! I know who you are, Ronan! I see you. You protect me, take care of me, keep me safe in a fluffy bubble, and now… I need you to fuck me.”

He stops dead in his tracks in the middle of the bedroom, and it halts me in place. His shoulders roll back slowly, his hands curling into tight fists, but other than that, he somehow looks bigger. Stronger.

“Get down on your knees,” he says as the bedroom door slams shut behind me.

I don’t hesitate. Right there, in the middle of the room, I kneel and watch him with hungry eyes as he walks toward me.

“Good girl.” He grips my chin between his thumb and finger, a wicked quirk on his lips only adding to the spell those words put on my pussy. “I’m going to ask you once, are you sure you don’t want slow and careful?”

I nod.

“I need you to say it.”

“I don’t want slow and careful. Make me feel everything, Ronan Hennessey.”

Darkness passes through his eyes, and it turns to a shudder when it reaches my flesh.


I rip the garment over my head, and he growls at the sight of me.

“I can’t believe you fucking walked out this door with nothing more than that thin slip of a dress on.”

He looks furious and, for a moment, I regret that stupid decision. But he doesn’t waste another breath as he takes off his belt, unzips his trousers, and pulls his cock out of his boxers.

My throat suddenly feels utterly empty at the sight of him. So damn thick and beautiful, veins adore his smooth shaft, the head glistening with exactly what I need.

I lean over, mouth open, about to taste it, when suddenly my head is yanked back by the hair, but I’m too stunned to react. I gaze up at him and I’m met with nothing but mischief in those blues that appear black in this dim lighting.

He wraps his hand around his length, running it up and down as he looks at my mouth.

“Tongue out.”

I comply, and he comes closer, but not close enough. I try to inch forward, but his grip on my hair holds me in place, and I cry out. Not in pain, but need, and he smiles at the sound of it, a crooked, devious, and delicious smile that makes me squeeze my legs together.

“Hungry, little witch?” He snickers. “Is this what you want? You want my cock in your mouth?”

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