Page 99 of Dangerous Strokes

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It’s been like this since the moment the wedding reception started. We’re in Midnight; I insisted on doing it here, rather than at some typical wedding venue. I wanted it to feel more like home, like us. I asked Finnigan, Vincent, Carter, and Maddox myself, since ultimately, it’s their secret locale, and I wouldn’t entertain the idea without their approval, but they had no argument since, apart from our parents, everyone in our small party has been here before.

But now, as I catch Ronan’s hungry gaze again, the walls seem to be closing in on me. This space is too small, the people around us are a sea of shadows and his bright blue eyes shine amidst them. A trickle of sweat runs down my back, and I constantly feel the need to touch the base of my throat, pressing a bit harder every time to steady myself.

“You still haven’t told me, honey, did you plan a honeymoon?” … “Anni?”

“Huh? Oh, so sorry.” The noise of the room explodes in my ears all of a sudden and I turn to find my mom giving me a knowing look. Thank God Pappa isn’t here to see me all flustered. “What did you ask, sorry?”

“Honeymoon. Have you planned one?”

“Oh, umm… yes, in a way.”

“What does that mean?”

I can’t tell her, though. We haven’t told anyone, but they’ll all find out soon enough.

“We’re just not calling it a honeymoon, but yes, we planned something.”

She nods, but frowns, and just as she’s about to say something else, Pappa shows up, pulling me into a side hug and kissing the top of my head.

“It’s a very interesting business that yourhusbandand his friends have here. I heard they’re involved in other endeavors as well, but it seems the subject has been changed every time I tried to ask what they are.”

Oh, Christ.

“It’s no time for talking about work.” I laugh, trying to push the nervousness down. “I’m sure everyone just wants to unwind and have fun.”

I look up at him, and he smiles, seemingly satisfied with my explanation.

Our conversation continues on a safe path, Mamma and Pappa reminiscing about their own wedding, and the moment they begin talking about their honeymoon, I force myself to space out. These people have never been shy enough around me when it comes to the love they share. And while I’m happy for them, I would rather keep all those images out of my head.

An unfamiliar southern tune fills the room as I drag my gaze over the people dancing in the small space we cleared up as a dance floor, and I sense a pull toward a spot at the end of the bar. Ronan’s eyes are on me. Darker somehow as he sips the amber liquid from his glass. Maddox and Finnigan are talking around him, and even as he responds, his gaze doesn’t shift. Not even for a split second.

A drop of that amber seems to slide down his bottom lip, and when he catches it with his top lip, dragging it slowly, I’m suddenly parched. I swallow the knot that’s formed in my throat, but it does nothing to the heat growing in my core.

Our wedding night, our own celebration of our marriage, can’t possibly come sooner. Even as we tried to steal some kisses, we still got pulled in some form of cheers, a dance, a drink, a conversation. I need him. I need to feel his hands against my skin, his lips… fuck, this night seems to be never-ending. Only as I look at the time on my phone, I realize it has barely begun. Even if we already had our first dance, and we cut the cake early because my cravings were adamant I needed it then and there, we haven’t even been here for two hours.

But now I want him more than cake.

I pull my bottom lip between my teeth as I watch him take another long sip from his glass, and the man cocks his head at me, a wicked grin tugging at his lips.

“We’re gonna go get a drink. Do you want something, Anni?”

They’re genuinely going to think I’m crazy for constantly spacing out of their conversation with me. But it’s better than them knowing I’m just becoming a puddle at the sight of my new husband’s feral stare.

“I’m okay. Thank you, Mamma.”

They step away, walking toward the bar, at the opposite end from Ronan, and another presence replaces them at my side. I really want a break from people now, but when I look to my left, Carter’s chilling gaze is on me.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” I ask, slightly uncomfortable.

“I am, thank you.”

“I haven’t seen you dance or…”

“I haven’t found a partner,” he says, smiling politely. “But, if you do me the honor, I would happily steal a dance from the bride.”

He extends his hand, waiting for mine, and I look at it for a second too long before I finally accept. I didn’t even realize what song was playing until he pulled me onto the makeshift dance floor—it’s a slow one. He keeps a polite, comfortable distance between us as he sways us around, holding my hand up in his, the other gently laid on my ribs, just above my waist.

I’m not sure what it is about Carter. He’s the most gentlemanly out of all of them, cold, calculated, a bit of a recluse, and I admire his ability to simply walk out of a conversation without remorse when he’s no longer interested. But there’s this look in his eyes, like everyone around him is simply prey he hasn’t chosen to devour yet. It’s uneasy, but at the same time, it gives me a privileged feeling because I haven’t been chosen—he likes me.
