Page 10 of Rocking Her Silence

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So, Big Grumpy is some hotshot rock star from a famous band calledBurning 21. Uh.

It means nothing to me. I've never heard of them. I don't follow rock bands, obviously.

Maybe Jared knows these guys. He likes any type of music but enjoys rock, especially.

Me, I like feeling the vibrations of a good drumming session and the low reverberations that bass guitars make deep into the music when I'm driving someplace with my brother and my niece, and he turns the volume up loud so I can perceive some bits, but I can't say I'm an expert.

And since I can't really follow the music, I care even less about gossip about rock stars.

But, of course, this time is different. I can't deny I'm more than a little bit curious about Big Grumpy.

It seems this band is very popular worldwide. They're a trio. Here in D.C. to perform at some big arena tomorrow.

The upper-level staff of the Mandarin has been on high alert since they learned these musicians were going to book suites, apparently. Of course, they got the best that money could buy, and everyone was told to expect the usual theatrics —of which I got a sample today, I guess.

Penny pats my hand. She's still in full protective mama-like mode, and I'm grateful for it. Seeing someone as mild-mannered and composed as her losing her cool at what happened with the guest dried my tears right up for some reason and made me feel much better about everything.

After I had my little meltdown in the hall, Penny reassured me that no, I wasn't going to be fired because of the little incident that happened in the Oriental Suite.

She wouldn't let it happen even if Mr. Gabriel —that's the name of the large naked, pissed-off guy that screamed at me— happened to file a complaint.

I really am lucky to have Penny Sweets as a supervisor. It's not every day that you find a hearing-person who knows ASL in any non-related field of work. But her teenage son, Simon, was born profoundly deaf, and she's just the type of kick-ass mother that not only raised him on her own but also didn't think twice about learning to sign so she could talk with him, which I know in our country is a far rarer occurrence than many people would presume.

I'm perfectly aware of the fact that she stuck out her neck for me at the interview six months ago. My résumé alone couldn't have gotten me the job. The social worker who helped me find this position knew about Penny and the kind of woman she is. She told me she would take me under her wing and that she was someone I could trust.

I had my doubts at first —I've learned the hard way that, barring very few exceptions, most hearing-people can't be trusted outright. My biological parents made sure to teach me as much when they discarded me like a broken doll that could no longer amuse them when I was barely ten months old— but I soon realized that Ms. Sweets, or 'Penny' as she insisted on being called right away, would be someone special, someone, I could consider a friend.

Since day one, she's been looking out for me, proving that someone up there didn't make sure she would get that specific last name in vain.

I watch Penny's hands intently as she continues giving me the nitty-gritty about Big Grumpy and his band. My own hands are clasped tight around a cup of tea that's long gone cold.

‘Their rep is pretty bad, Mia,'she signs.

I let go of the cup. 'I can't say I'm surprised.'

Penny snickers, her fingers flying as she talks. ‘Basically, they are the usual arrogant jerks that think people should bend backward for them.’

I make a face.‘How nice.'

She sighs. She takes off her glasses to clean them against her sleeve and then pushes them back up the bridge of her aquiline nose, her pale blue eyes crinkling at the corners as she gives me a small smile.

'So you see. It's not your fault. Something like that was bound to happen at some point with this type of high-maintenance guest. You did nothing wrong. It wasn't on purpose, and you shouldn't feel bad about any of it.'

I nod, touching the side of my forehead with my fingertips.

‘I know.'

I take a sip of the bitter tea and then look back at her.'It was very embarrassing, though. He was standing there all wet and angry, and I just gawked at him and then burst into tears. NOT my finest moment.'

Penny shakes her head.'Nor his, I dare say. Still, you have to count yourself lucky.'

I frown.'Why?'

Penny opens her hands in front of her face, her eyebrows wagging up and down.

'Girl, that man may be a rude and self-entitled jackass, but he has been elected "Sexiest Rock God On Earth" for three years in a row for a reason. Today, you're closer than any of us mere mortals to knowing why exactly.'

‘Well, you saw him, too. Didn't you say that he followed me in the hall?'
