Page 55 of Rocking Her Silence

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One of my hands goes to my forehead as I cover my eyes.

He stands up again and starts to pace in front of me as his hands keep moving.

'Yes! Yes, I know… I know everything you're going to say… I'm never going to live this down! I'm the worst brother in the world! You can't believe I did that! How could I do something like that?! You're never going to speak to me again… you're getting back at me the first chance you get…yadda yadda yadda. I know all of that. I'm not here for that. Not now. You can scream at me and scold me later, and I'll sit pretty and listen to the whole thing because I know I deserve it. Okay? But not now!'

I wave my hands around incredulously, scoffing at him.'Really, Jared? Not now? You got something more important to do now?'

'Not me. You do. But first, you gotta listen to me, Mia.'

I fold my arms under my breasts.'Then start talking.'

He scratches the side of his head. Sniffs.'So I went to see him at the Oriental and—'

I cringe, and my hands interrupt him almost without my say-so.'God, Jared! I work there! How could you do such a thing?'

He looks my way, hands in front of him, palms out.'I know… I know. But… not the point right now, like I said.'

'Then what's the point? Get to it, Jar!'I sign tetchily, my hands trembling a bit.

'Okay… I didn't mean to cause trouble, Mia. I promise. I just wanted to drop a little warning. Just wanted to shake him a bit. I wanted to let him know that… that you're not unprotected. That if he tried to harm you, he would have to deal with me. You know what I mean…'

I sigh, nodding. Yes, I know what he means. My brother thinks I'm a scared little girl that needs a bodyguard at all times.

I frown.

God, I know he means well, but he really pisses me off sometimes.

'You shouldn't have stuck your nose in it. I can handle my own relationship, Jar. I'm not a child. Going around threatening people of all things! You're a cop, not some mafioso. How many times do I have to tell you this before it gets through your thick skull?!'

He nods many times.'I know that! I just— you're my little sister! But— okay, let's not get into this now… I told you: you can yell at me later. So like I said… I dropped in unexpectedly.'

I shake my head.'Meaning you flashed your badge at the staff and went in like… in an official capacity? Jar, you could get in trouble for that!'

He smiles a little.'Oh, I'm sure I will. I mean, it would only take a little phone call from Gabriel to his lawyer, and I could find myself out of a job…'

'Oh, God!'I cover my face with both hands and gracelessly plant myself on my sofa.

My brother taps my shoulder, and I look up at him.

'Don't worry, Mia. I don't think he's going to make that call.'

I glare at him.'He should!'

Jared nods.’ Yes, yes… he should. But he won't. Listen… I went in there to take a look at what he had scattered around in the suite… hoping that I could catch him unprepared or something. These rocker types, they come with many —and I mean, MANY— warning labels. And he might have no rap sheet to his name. Believe me, I checked. But he does have a rep…'

I don’t know why I am surprised that he ran a background check on Carson. I’msogoing to kill him. I sigh.'Are you going to tell me you found drugs and stuff?! Because if you did, then they belonged to his friends or something. I know he's clean.'

My brother shakes his head.'That’s not what this is about… there was nothing there, sis. Not even a cigarette, and the hardest drink I saw being passed around was Red Bull. His friends were there too.'

My jaw drops. He went in and scolded my— whatever he is— in front of his bandmates?!

'That's just real freaking great, Jar! This keeps getting better and better!'

'Sis, I'm not done…'

I give him a scathing look.'Oh, I'm sure you're not! You total jerk!'

He rolls his eyes. ‘Yes. I'm a jerk… bad Jared, bad! Now listen… so, I walk in and do my tough cop act on him, okay? And he doesn't bite. I tell him he needs to back off, and I won't stand for him hurting you, and he says he won't. He won't back off, and he won't be hurting you. And it's the truth, sis. That's why I rushed here… not just to come clean about messing up and being all over-protective like you always say… but to let you know that I learned that this guy really cares about you beyond any fucking doubt.'
