Page 57 of Rocking Her Silence

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Hell, I've even read about it online. There are freaking websites dedicated to that thing out there.


It's his favorite instrument in the whole world. He never opens a show without it. My heart clenches in my chest, and I feel more tears brimming in my eyes and spilling down my cheeks.

My brother slowly waves a hand in front of my face.

"Mia, you there?”

Crap, I must have spaced out. I nod.

"Good. Now I'm going to ask you that thing I said…"

I wave one hand his way, giving him the go-ahead.

"You guys talk, right? Text?"

I nod.'We do, sure… why do you ask?'

He waves my question away and asks one of his own. Again hands and voice. "Have you guys texted, say... in the last two hours or so?"

'Yes, we have. As a matter of fact, I got a text from him like ten minutes ago. He stopped texting when I told him I had to study…'

I frown at him. I'm not sure I’m grasping what he’s getting at.

"Well, sis, this little meeting of ours happened over two hours ago. Do you see where I'm going with this?"

I think for a moment. Then smile, nodding, finally catching his drift.'He said nothing about it! He was going to cover for your sorry ass!'

I laugh.

My brother does, too. "I rest my case. Now, would you go see the poor bastard and put him out of his misery?"

I'm up from the sofa and out of the room in a flash, feeling both impressed and mortified.

Carson could have told me at least a dozen times as we chatted about what happened, but he didn't say a word.

God, yes… I really should go see him.

If nothing else, I really need to apologize to him for my brother's little visit.

Then I think of his bass.

That he would do such a sweet, terrible thing…

That he would damage something he loves so much, something that has so much meaning to him, just to prove how serious he is about me to my brother, that he wouldn't give me up, wouldn't back down about this, about us… it’s just… damn.



Irap my fist against the door of Carson’s suite firmly. Once. Twice. Then I step back and wait.

The door opens, and he steps into view, wearing light blue jeans and a simple white tee, his feet bare. He’s so tall I have to take another step back to see his face, and when I do, my heart jumps in my throat.

Damn, Jared didn’t mention he gave him a shiner, too. Now I’mreallygoing to kill him. Slowly.

But first… I point at Carson’s eye, wincing as I study the purple and blue discoloration under it.
