Page 76 of Rocking Her Silence

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My brain went through the process pretty effortlessly. I love the fuck out of Mia. I can't breathe without her, let alonelivewithout her. I want to be with her all the time. And she has to stay in D.C. to complete her education; therefore, D.C. is where I'm going to have to be as well.

At first, I thought that Sly and Rick would bitch and moan about it. The three of us have always lived in the same city —it's just easier that way for our work— and besides, we're like brothers, so we like to spend our downtime together. This life we love so damn much has cost us the chance to ever have any relationship with our parents and relatives, so we are more than bandmates or even best friends. We are family.

I hated the thought of messing up with a good thing, honestly, but there is nothing I wouldn't do for Mia.

I figured since I own a jet and LA is not on the other side of the world, I would have to resign myself to going down there for a couple of days every week or so, and then, of course, the boys could do the same and come visit us to simply hang out or work on our latest album in my new studio, but my friends surprised the fuck out of me.

They've decided they are going to move here as well. They're gonna stay here with us for a couple of weeks and then find other living arrangements somewhere close.

As it turns out, they like D.C. more than a little bit and definitely way more than they ever did Los Angeles.

I've been so focused on Mia that I didn't notice how different life could be for us here, but Rick and Sly have spent the past few days opening my eyes to it. We can live almost like ordinary people around here.

Sure, we still have to wear sunglasses and baseball caps over totally civilian attire or just go the full suit-and-tie way to blend in crowded places, and we still can't enjoy a meal without someone pointing a phone our way at some point or another, but D.C. is nothing like New York City, London or even LA. It's a more sedated kind of town as far as the music scene goes, so we don't get mobbed by fans around here, and we aren't molested by paparazzi coming out of the woodwork, especially if we are careful not to be seen around together as a trio.

So, this is definitely another benefit of being here —aside from being able to fall asleep with Mia in my arms and wake up the same way every day— that I hadn't even perceived. Score.

I look around again.

This place is going to turn out awesome and really comfortable, and we're going to have lots of space, but right now, it's kind of both a mess and bare at the same time. I'm not difficult when it comes to this type of thing, but the building of an in-house studio has some pretty damn specific requirements that made apartment-hunting that much more problematic.

I found this penthouse here in the Legacy West End apartment complex just a couple of days ago –with Jared's help, of all things.

It's an open-space concept spanning two floors. Bit pricy maybe at a little over four mil and a half, but it wasn't really up for sale, so I had to be a tad more persuasive than I like with the owner of the unit. However, I think that in the end, it's going to be worth it because my baby is going to love this place to pieces, according to her brother.

Even with Jared lending a hand, I couldn't do much to get our new home ready, and right now, my stuff is piled high all over the living room and in the bedroom. No way am I going to squander even a single minute of time that I could be spending wrapped around my little beauty unpacking when I know that I'm going to leave for Canada for our shows over there in less than a week from today.

I asked her to come along, of course, but she has to study for an exam that she has to give on a day that's right smack-dab in the fucking middle of our show in Toronto and the one in Calgary.

It would have been too disruptive and stressful for her because of the tight timeframe, and so this means that far too soon for my liking, we'll have to be apart for damn near twelve days. So, yeah, no way I'm losing precious time with her to do house chores around here.

We can do that shit when I get back.

I ask Siri to give me the time, and she answers from the speaker on the dining room table that it's almost 06.55 PM, only five more minutes or so to go before Little Beauty shows up.

I hear my phone buzzing with a text, and I jog a little to pick it up from where I left it on the kitchen island on the other side of the ample open space.


Hon, I'm here. Which floor was it, again?

I quickly text back.

All the way 2 D top, babe.

A couple of minutes later,there's a soft knock at the door, and I'm throwing it open and jumping on my woman before she can take her first step inside.

My lips fall on hers, and I kiss her hard and with everything that I've got, pulling her little curvy body into my chest.

A waft of her lavender smell reaches my nostrils and wakes my cock the fuck up.

Isn't lavender supposed to calm people the fuck down?

How come she manages to drive me fucking insane with it?

Mia breaks the kiss to take a breath when my tongue becomes too much for her, and she gives me this little brilliant, beautiful smile that just makes me want to fall on my knees in front of her.

I love her so much, and there is nothing I love more than seeing her happy like this.

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