Page 81 of Rocking Her Silence

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We kiss, but I break it off when I feel it deepen. If I let it happen, there would be no dinner and no surprise. There would be just me fucking her hard and fast onto those very cushions. I feel a little tug in my groin, my cock actually loving the idea of me just taking Mia here and now.

But that can wait…

I give her a little kiss on the forehead and step away from her temping, lush form. "So play now, eat later?"

She nods and then points to my erection. "And then…" she makes a lewd gesture with her hands that makes me laugh so hard I almost choke.

I'm trying to get her to teach me dirty ASL and swear words, and mostly Mia blushes beet red and then tells me to stop, so I wasn't expecting that unmistakably very dirty sign from her just now.

I haul her to my chest and kiss her hard as we both laugh. Then, dragging her behind me, I walk us to where the cushions are placed near my bass, my rig, and my amp.

I lower myself onto the floor first, legs spread on either side of the pillow, and then I pull her down to me so she can sit on it, back against my chest. I retrieve my instrument from its stand nearby and then settle it on Mia's lap, my arms going around her small frame so I can comfortably hold both her and the bass, and then I start to play for her.

Her head lowers to my chest, and she taps it once, telling me without words that she wants me to sing as well as she reclines against me.

And I do.

I play the song that's been in my head since I first saw her, trying to infuse every note and every vibration of my voice with all the love I feel for her.

Midway through my execution, Mia sits up and turns to look at me, interrupting my play.

"Is that a new song?" she asks, astonishing me.

I nod, put down the bass and sign a question. "How can you tell, babe?"

She gives me a little grin and blushes before she starts to sign and mouth her answer.

'Well, I've kinda binge-listened to all of Burning 21 albums since I met you. I put the volume to maximum and played the songs through my bone-conduction headphones and also through a speaker placed on my chest and then closed my eyes so I could learn the vibrations. So, by now, I know all the different vibration patterns of your songs. The sound of the bass, especially, I can pick out the easiest from the base, you know that… so that's how I know this is a new song.'

I shake my head. "Little Beauty, you are fucking amazing…"

She shrugs and smiles at me, tucking a lock of her hair behind one of her ears.'So I was right, then? It's a new song? What's it called?'

Fuck, she's so damn cute right now.

I love her so much it hurts a little.

"It is, baby… this one is a rock ballad. It’s called 'A Billion Times' and… and it's for you," I tell her.

She throws her arms around me and gives me a squeeze, then pulls back and starts to sign.

"Oh God, really? You are so sweet, honey! Can I read the lyrics?" she asks with her voice, her eyes full of excitement.

I kiss her, then tap her warm naked thigh to make her stand up so I can also get up.

"We're going to need my phone for that," I explain.

She nods and follows me into the bedroom. Once there, I pick up my iPhone from on top of the nightstand, then gesture for her to sit on the edge of the bed.

I tap at the screen to bring up the notes app, feeling so nervous at the idea of showing her these lyrics that my hands are shaking a bit.

She notices it and touches the back of my hand. "I'm going to love it, Carson," she tells me, her musical voice full of certainty, her eyes determined.

Her utter confidence in me is humbling and gives me the little kick that I needed to pass her the phone.

Her eyes lock on the screen, face disappearing beyond the fall of her long coffee-colored waves.

* * *
