Page 96 of Rocking Her Silence

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“Oh, I do… but you use that against me far too much, wife of mine.”

She laughs, and I kiss the tip of her nose, my hands diving into her messy bun to undo it, my fingers raking between her glossy dark waves to free them.

She snuggles into my chest and sighs, then looks up at me. “How did your call go, love?”

I slide my hands down to her nape, and from there, I slowly start to caress up and down her shoulders, arms, and back. “Frustrating.”

She pulls back a little, frowning. “Why? What’s up?”

I shrug, huffing out a breath. "Nothing, really. Our PR got another offer to get us to answerthatquestion. It doesn't matter how many times we tell them we're not interested and we're never going to tell. They still keep trying. Our managers know better than even mentioning this stuff to us by now, but I guess with Nickie being new, and the offer being so high it was ridiculous, she didn’t really know how to respond. The other guys have been around longer and know the drill, but she kept on pushing and begging me to reconsider. She even insisted I should go get Rick and Sly before I nixed that shit, and she got miffed when I told her there was no need for it as we are all in agreement and not exactly strapped for cash."

Mia grins as she signs.‘How ridiculously high was it this time?’

‘15 million upfront for an exclusive backstage interview during one our concerts back at home next year…’

She starts to laugh. “What?! Are these people insane or something?”

I chuckle. "You can definitely skip theorpart. Oh, and they didn't simply want to know what it means. They also wanted to know how and why we chose it. Of course, they said they would offer an additional 15 mil for those details…"

She sighs. “Fucking shitheads, unbelievable…” She sim-coms this out of the side of her mouth, and I laugh harder.

“Gotcha! You ASL-sweared! And with two words, to boot! Now you have to pay up, babe!” I sim-com, grinning at her.

She rolls her eyes. “Ugh! But baby… 15 million… I was so shocked that I forgot our stupid bet! Can’t you let it go just this once?”

I shake my head. “No way.”

She growls at me a little and playfully punches my arm, making me retaliate by nibbling on her neck and tickling her sides as I push her under me. She giggles and wheezes, her tinkling laughter filling the room as she criesuncle.

I fucking love the sound of it; it has such a musical quality to it.

I let her catch her breath and she pouts up at me. “You Beast!”

I tilt her chin up until I have her eyes. “YourBeast!” I mouth to her and then let my lips fall on hers in a hard kiss.

I’m still pretty much on a mission to get her to teach me every single piece of ASL slang and swearing ever invented, but my baby still dissolves into peals of laughter and blushes to the roots of her hair when I ask and rarely swears while she’s sim-comming with me. When she’s signing only, she lets it all hang out, especially when she’s pissed off because she knows that she’s still too damn fast for me, and I can never catch every single piece of cussed crudity that comes out of her prim little self that way.

But it didn't take me long to realize that she can turn into a rowdy little sailor with the best of them, particularly when she's talking with her brother. So, of course, we made a bet.

If she insisted on stubbornly refusing to teach me, then she’ll have to be very careful and never swear in my presence at all. If I catch her signing a four-letter word or any variation on it, then she has to pay up and teach me three dirty words.

By sim-comming, she made it child’s play for me two catch her double-swearing at those clueless poor bastards’ preposterous offer, and so now she has to teach me six new words.

"I'm waiting," I tell her. "You owe me six this time."

She shakes her head, laughing. “I’m not teaching you that many!”

I give her a little evil lopsided grin. “You could always choose to go for the penalty.”

The penalty would be not having my lips anywhere near her pussy for as many days as the words she should be teaching me.

I’m addicted to her taste, so I would never willingly give up the chance of having my woman on my tongue, but since her spoiled little ass doesn’t know the meaning of going to sleep without coming in my mouth first, I knew this was the one penalty to pick as she would never go for it.

So, I’ll have the perfect four-letter ASL vocabulary in no time while still getting to enjoy her sweetness every time I want.

“Yeah… that’s not happening, Mr. Rock Star. If anything, you owe me in that department since, as you said, I was such a good girl, and you promised we would catch up on our way to France.”

Ididpromise her that. During the encore of our last show in the UK, one of our more deranged groupies took off her panties and threw them at my chest.

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