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Hailey did the same. “Actually, it’s because of you that I even had an evening. I would be rushing to get the kids bathed and in bed now.” She cleared her throat. “Thank you, Landon. This really was helpful. And besides, if I had taken him to practice, it sounds like it wouldn’t have been much of a practice anyway. I’ve watched a lot of soccer games, but I don’t think I could go out there and coach with the girls hanging onto me the whole time.”

Landon smiled. “I’m sure you would have handled it. From what I can tell, you’ve handled a lot on your own. I’m just glad you let me do this for you. And I meant what I said about taking Carter next week. It’s the same time, right? I’ve already put it on my calendar.”

Hailey stared at him in wonder. “Yep, same time.” Did he really want to do this again?

He clapped his hands together. “Perfect. I’ll plan on it. What can I do between now and then?”

“Nothing. This was plenty. Don’t want you to wear yourself out.”

Landon pressed his lips together as if he wanted to say something but stopped himself. “Alright then. I’ll plan on this, for now. Have a good night, Hailey. Thanks for dinner.”

She walked him to the door. “Bye, Landon.”

He lifted a hand in a wave as he jogged down the stairs.

Hailey shut the door and watched him from the window. He climbed in his car and pulled out of the driveway. She watched until he was out of sight and whispered a prayer that he would make it home safely. It was only a few minutes away, but anything could happen.

As she crashed back onto the couch, she sat thinking about how the night had gone and what it meant to her.

Landon had always been a good friend to their family, and he just wanted to help. But she had to keep her guard up. He could change his mind at any point, and she would be alone once again.

Yes, she could let him help out some, but she wouldn’t let herself depend on him. Her heart wasn’t fully healed yet, and she couldn’t risk depending on someone again.


Landon paced his office as he listened in to the conference call with an earpiece in. He tried sitting down but couldn’t stay still. Every time he sat, he would stand back up and start pacing again. It must be the excitement from the night before. He had expected to just take Carter to practice and back home. He would feel good about having helped Hailey and call it a night.

But when he got out there on the field with the kids, it was like a switch flipped inside of him. Suddenly he was having fun. Carter talked non-stop the whole ride home, and Landon knew things had changed. Yes, he was glad it had helped Hailey, but it was like he was back in the position of fun friend, just like it was before.

Kyle had always wanted Carter to play soccer, just like the two of them did. Almost every time Landon was over at the house, they would make their way out to the yard to kick around the ball. How could he have forgotten that? Playing soccer with little kids wasn’t really about winning championships or drills. Sure, that was part of it, but they just liked being out there having fun. Landon had missed having fun.

He tossed a ball back and forth in his hands as he listened to one of the upper-level managers talk about next year’s projections.

Landon used to think that was fun, and it was still interesting, but today it couldn’t hold his attention. He was thinking about when he could stop by the house again and be around the family. Did they still like to play board games on Friday nights? It was a standing tradition for a long time, and Landon had been more times than he could count. Or maybe they still planned their Saturday around the college football game schedule, so they could sit down and watch their favorite team.

For too long, he had thought it would be too painful to be around Hailey and the kids. Wouldn’t that just remind him that Kyle wasn’t there? But he had been wrong. He missed his friend, and it wasn’t the same without him, but the kids were still there and Hailey…

Landon caught the ball in the air and stopped where he stood. What about Hailey? Would she let him come around more? Was it okay for him to spend time with her?

He shook his head. He wasn’t spending timewith her. He would be there with her and the kids. And they needed his help. Didn’t they? There was nothing wrong with that. Besides, Kyle had asked him to. He was doing it for him.

The conference call ended, and Landon removed the earbud as he sank into his desk chair. He breathed a sigh of relief. Those calls got longer and longer it seemed. He only relaxed for a moment before his desk phone rang.

He saw the screen light up with his assistant’s name and pressed the button. “Hey, Allison.”

“Mr. Benton wants to see you in his office.”

“Right now?” Landon asked.

“Yes,” Allison said.

“Alright, I’m going.” He stood and straightened his tie before slipping on his blazer that he took from a hook on the back of his door.

He passed his assistant’s desk and held up his hands as if to ask how he looked.

She gave him a thumbs-up as she answered the phone.

Down the hallway, he pushed the button at the elevator and made his way up to the executive’s floor.
