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“I just said I was with my favorite ten-year-old girl.”

“And how did she take that?”

He shrugged. “Fine, I guess.”

“I’ve been having some of the same thoughts. But maybe the kids are the ones doing it right by not over-thinking it. Maybe we should stop worrying so much.”

“Do you really mean that?”

Hailey took a deep breath and blew it out. “I do. I’ve been praying a lot about how I’m supposed to live life. I spent a long time thinking I was never going to be happy again, and I didn’t want to have fun because it wasn’t fair that Kyle wasn’t here to have fun too. But that’s not right. God is showing me that He doesn’t want that for me. I’m trying to move forward because I still have a lot of years here, and my kids have their whole lives in front of them. I need to be open to the future, and what God has for me next.”

Landon closed his eyes and took a breath before he opened them again. “I think that’s exactly what He wants you to do. And that’s what Kyle would want you to do too.”

Hailey reached over and patted his arm. “That’s enough serious talk for one night. Tell me more about the dance.”

“Well, there was music and snacks, and I didn’t know a single person besides Charlotte. Oh, also, she’s got some serious moves.”

Hailey laughed. “Yes, she does.”

“Did she get that from you? Because Kyle is a lot of things, but I’ve never seen him dance.”

Hailey shrugged. “Maybe. I mean, I might have been on the dance team in high school.”

“Really?” Landon asked.

She nodded. “My last two years. Before that I was a gymnast.”

“A gymnast? I had no idea. I guess that’s why Charlotte likes it.”

“Yep. It’s fun for me to see her, but I also kind of hoped she would pick something else. It’s a fun sport, but I had a number of injuries and my body suffered from it. But she loves it, and it’s nice that we can share that.”

“She’s definitely got the coordination and rhythm. She barely let me lead when we danced together.”

“Oh really?” Hailey laughed. “So you did a couple’s dance? I wasn’t sure she knew how to do that.”

“We muddled through.”

“I wish I could have seen that.”

Landon locked eyes with her and leaned forward. “I could show you,” he said, his voice soft and low.

Hailey blinked rapidly and put her hand to her cheek. “Um, uh,” she fumbled over the words. “How? Do you have a video?”

“No, not show you like that.” He stood up and held out his hand. “I could show you like this.”

Hailey looked up at him. “Oh, you don’t have to do that.”

“I know, but I want to.”

Slowly, she stood to face him. He still held his hand out, waiting. She met his eyes and stood perfectly still for several seconds. He was sure she was going to laugh or turn and walk away, then slowly, she reached out and put her hand in his.

He closed his hand over hers and wrapped his other arm around her back as she stepped in close to him. He didn’t care who was leading as they began to step and sway together. There was no music, but he felt the rhythm in his heart. There were no words, but he felt the connection pass between them.

Hailey dropped her eyes from his, as she leaned close and put her head to his chest. Landon sighed contentedly. Everything about the moment felt perfect.

The few short minutes felt like hours of holding her in his arms, and Landon could have gone on forever, keeping her close and not worrying about anything else.

Hailey tipped her head back and looked at him, “Landon,” she said quietly.
