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After his presentation Monday morning, Landon sat rocking back and forth in his desk chair. The presentation had gone even better than expected, and the clients had seemed very pleased.

Mr. Benton had sat in the back corner for the entire meeting without saying a word. Landon wasn’t sure whether to be worried or happy. He could be sitting in and waiting to congratulate him, but he was also known for showing up in someone’s office with a list of critiques. Either way, he expected to hear some kind of feedback.

For the next little bit, he tried to focus on another project. He would get some notes from the client in a day or so and would be able to make changes and updates to the project from this morning. Until then, he was free to start on something else.

After lunch, he returned to his office and found an email from Mr. Benton’s assistant. Just as he expected, he wanted to see Landon in his office that afternoon. Landon hit reply and let Miranda know he would be there in ten minutes.

He closed his eyes and folded his hands. “God, I never know what to expect from these conversations. I know I’ve done my best, and I want to leave the rest in Your hands. I pray that whatever You have for me, You would be the one leading me as I go into this. Amen.” A sense of peace washed over him as he stood and made his way down the hall.

Miranda was on the phone but waved him through to Mr. Benton's office. Landon tugged on his tie before he opened the door and walked in.

“Richards,” Mr. Benton’s voice boomed. “Thanks for coming by.”

Landon smiled, but chuckled on the inside. As if he had any choice when he was summoned to the office? “Yes, sir. Thank you for coming to the presentation this morning. Always nice to have your support.”

Mr. Benton pointed at him. “That’s exactly what I want to talk to you about.”

Landon took a seat and braced himself. His boss had been smiling during the meeting, but everyone knew he could put on a good face in front of a client and tear you to shreds later.

Mr. Benton clapped his hands together. “That presentation was genius. The clients were eating right out of your hands. You could have sold them on anything you said.”

Landon breathed a little easier. “Thank you, sir. I tried my best to research well and offer them marketing solutions for their particular needs.”

“And that’s exactly what you did. That kind of client care is exactly what we want. It’s obvious you have your focus and effort in all the right places. I’m happy to see you so committed to your job.”

Landon nodded, even as something inside of him shifted. “Yes, sir.”

“Now, we have a new client starting out in a new market. I want you to take the meeting and make sure we land this deal.”

“Of course, who’s the client?”

“Hoffman Hotels and Suites.”

Landon blinked rapidly and leaned back in his chair. “Aren’t they based…” but Mr. Benton interrupted before he could finish.

“In Dallas, Texas.”

Landon’s insides started to churn. “You want me to take a meeting in Dallas?”

“Sure do.”

“And then handle the project from here?” That wasn’t how they usually did things, but Landon wanted to hope.

Mr. Benton folded his hands on the desk. “For now, yes. We’ll see how it goes. We have a good team in place in Dallas. But I know this company, and I think you’re the one to meet with the higher-ups.”

Landon nodded, still feeling uncertain. “Of course. Happy to do it. When is the meeting?”


“This Thursday?” Landon’s head jerked back, and his voice went up a notch.

“Yes, exactly. Miranda can arrange your flight, Wednesday morning, if possible. I expect you’ll need to stay late tonight to get up to speed on the company.”

“Yes, sir. Will do.”

“Alrighty then. I won’t keep you. Miranda will send over the file, and I’ll let the team know you’ll be there to handle the meeting. Scott Lowery will set you up in the office and take care of anything you need while you’re there.”

“Thank you.” Landon stood up, feeling a little lightheaded.
