Page 20 of Love for the Cowboy

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Garrett grinned. “Not at all. I was planning to have all this finished and be married by now.”

“You sure you don’t need me to be your best man?”

Garrett clapped a hand on his brother’s shoulder. They’d been through so much together. “You know you would be my first choice. We just wanted to keep it simple.” Garrett shook his head. “I should have known better. Maybe we should have planned a little more.”

“Nah,” Lawson said. “I think it’s just fine. Can just get it in writing that I would have been your best man if you had one?”

Garrett laughed. It was always a competition between the brothers of who would get the top honor at a wedding. “Sure thing, man.”

Lawson’s face turned serious. “I’m really happy for you. I know you said you were never getting married, and I didn’t think much of it either way. If you were happy not married, great, but I can see that you’re really happy now. You and Elise are going to be great together.”

Garrett swallowed hard as he took in his brother’s words. “Thanks, Law. That means a lot to me. Elise is really special, and I hope I will be a good husband. You’re right, I just never saw myself as a married man. But somehow these last few weeks with Elise, it seemed like the right decision.”

“I think it’s a great decision, and I’ll be your best man the rest of your life keeping you in line when you need it.”

Garrett laughed along with Lawson. “I’m sure I’ll need that too.”

* * *

Elise stepped backfrom the bathroom mirror as she touched her hand to her hair. “Grace, I didn’t know you had such a gift with hair.”

Grace smiled at her soon-to-be-sister-in-law. “I’ve always liked doing it. It’s fun watching all of those hair tutorials online, so I was thrilled to have a chance to try one out.”

“You did a great job,” Elise said. “I didn’t plan to do anything besides brush it out, so this is incredible.”

“Well, we couldn’t have you wearing that beautiful, vintage dress with no hairstyle. And your makeup is just perfect too,” Katie spoke up. “Of course, you’re beautiful no matter what. We just wanted to do a little something special for your big day.”

Elise took a deep breath and sighed. She had grown used to only having brothers. It seemed impossible that she was gaining a whole passel of sisters. She reached for their hands. “Thank you. This is much more than I could have ever asked for.”

“Nonsense,” Katie waved a hand in the air. “If you had given us more than three days, you should see what we would have planned!”

Elise laughed, still relieved that they were keeping things mostly simple. Katie was known for her planning skills, and she knew she would be attending a huge wedding if she had been given the time. “Thank you for everything you’ve done, especially for hiring the photographer.”

“I just knew you would want to have pictures of today. And don’t worry, I’ll have her come back out whenever we have the reception.” Katie patted Elise’s hand.

A knock at the door drew their attention.

“Who is it?” Sierra jumped up as she asked, taking her role as guard of the door seriously.

“Just the groom,” Garrett’s voice sounded through the door and sent Elise’s heart racing.

Sierra gasped and pressed both hands against the door. “No!” she shouted. “You’re not allowed in here. Go away.”

“Come on, please?” Garrett begged.

“No!” Sierra, Grace, and Katie yelled in unison.

Garrett sighed loudly. “Fine. But I have a gift for the bride. Can I at least give you that.”

Sierra looked around the room and then turned back to the door that she barely cracked open and stuck her hand out. Her face softened when she looked back at the other women. “Aww,” she said.

Elise looked up to see her holding a card and a large bouquet of brightly colored wildflowers. Her hand flew to her chest as her mouth fell open. She wanted to speak, but no words came out.

Sierra rushed forward and handed the flowers to Elise.

“They’re so beautiful,” Katie said. “Is this why you wouldn’t let me get you a bouquet? Did you know he was doing this?”

Elise shook her head. “I had no idea. I just didn’t want anyone to fuss over flowers. And I’m not really a fancy bouquet kind of girl.” She reached out and gently fingered a bright purple flower petal. “Wildflowers are my favorite.”
