Page 40 of Love for the Cowboy

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“Yeah. They just seem so fun, and you can visit beaches and lay out on the deck by the pool at sea. Plus, it’s all the food you can eat.”

Garrett pointed an index finger at her, “Now that I could get on board with.”

“I have always heard that the way to a guy’s heart is through his stomach.”

Garrett laughed. “I don’t know about that, but if you’re going to get me to go on vacation, and I’m saying, that’s a bigif, then one with good food would be at the top of my list.”

Elise put her hands on her hips. “What about your horse? I thought you were concerned about your weight with him.”

Garrett rubbed his chin. “That’s true. I didn’t say I would have to eat a lot of food, just that it would be good. It sure would be terrible to go on vacation and eat subpar food when I could stay at home and eat delicious homemade cooking all the time.”

Elise waved a hand in the air. “Don’t worry. I’m not asking you to go on any vacations. I know your heart is at Whispering Oaks Ranch. If you’re happier at home than on vacation, then that’s where you should be.”

Garrett tilted his head and gave her the kindest, most genuine smile she had ever seen. “I like the sound of that. And, Elise, if you can consider Whispering Oaks Ranch your home, then I think, maybe I never want to leave.”


Garrett’s boots thudded against the familiar hardwood floors of his own house as he carried the luggage in from the truck. Elise was close behind him, carrying in the trash from their fast food lunch. They had gotten up early that morning and left to drive home. He knew that his brothers, and their wives particularly, would’ve wanted them to stay gone longer, but Elise was feeling anxious about the boys. Garrett also ached to be home

Home had a different meaning after the last two days with Elise. Nothing miraculous happened on their trip, except that everything had changed. From the first night when they had gone to the restaurant, and Elise was nervous and uncomfortable, to last night before they left when they had walked to dinner hand in hand, talking about everything and nothing.

As much as he enjoyed the time away, he wanted to be at home. At home with her. Yes, the trip had been a game changer for them, but where they needed to build their life was on the ranch. It was time for them to learn each other in their own space, with the boys there, with the Macklin family there, and with the life that they were going to live for the rest of their lives.

Garrett dropped the luggage and turned to catch Elise’s hand in his. He pulled her into his embrace and wrapped his arms around her. “Welcome home,” he said.

Elise looked up at him and smiled. “Welcome home.”

Garrett stared into her eyes then, somehow she looked so different than the woman he had left here with just two days ago. More like the girl he had known growing up, but different still. In some ways, she was a completely new person that he had never known before. The girl he had known before was his friend, someone he was familiar with, and had always known. But the woman who stood before him now was his wife.

He let his gaze travel from her eyes down to her lips. They were so close. It would only take a few inches to close the distance between them. And maybe he could. They had grown close over the last two days. But no, not yet. He knew that he wanted that to be more than a moment standing in the kitchen. He wanted it to be special. He wanted it to be everything.

He set his chin on top of her head and gave her one more tight squeeze before he released her and stepped back.

“So, what’s on the agenda for the rest of the day?” He figured the best way to keep his emotions at bay was to move into practical mode.

Elise lifted her palms to the ceiling and shrugged. “I don’t really have plans. We need to go get the boys. And I’m sure there is some kind of work to be done.” She winked at him.

Garrett held his hands up in the air as if he was innocent. “No, I was made to promise that I would not even get on a horse today. My brothers won’t even be happy that I’m already back.”

“You can blame that on me,” Elise said. “Let’s put the stuff away later,” she said, pointing at the bags. “Do you think the boys are at your parents’ house?”

Garrett glanced at his watch. Then put his hands on his hips. “If I had to guess at this time of day, they are probably at the training facility with Sierra. She promised to take them for a ride again today.”

Elise laughed. “I just hope they don’t wear out their welcome.”

“Never,“ Garrett said. “The kids around here are always welcome. As long as they follow the other Macklin’s kid’s lead. They will learn when they can ask, and when they can’t. Trust me, I grew up here. You learn to move out of the way quick when you need to. Kids are not in the way.”

“I’m sure they’ve had a great time. They probably won’t want to come home,” Elise said.

Garrett stuffed his hands in his back pockets. “I hope that they will,” he dropped his gaze to the floor. “And I hope that they will be willing to call it home soon, instead of always saying Garrett’s house.”

Elise sighed, “That’s probably my fault. I was trying to keep things straight as I was saying that we were going back to my parents’ house, versus when we were coming here.” She shook her head and put one hand to her forehead. “It gets a little confusing.”

“I know,” Garrett said. “It will all get easier. Once we get the house sold, and you can be here full-time.” He met her gaze and reached for her hand.“Come on. Let’s go find where they are, so we can have the whole family together.”

That night, Garrett lay in his bed, staring at the ceiling. For the first time in as long as he could remember, he was having trouble falling asleep. He could hear Elise sleeping on the floor near him. The sound of her quiet breathing in and out was a calm and peaceful sound in his room. After the weekend together, he hoped maybe she would be moving toward getting rid of the mattress. But then again, he hadn’t been brave enough to kiss her yet, so he shouldn’t have high expectations right now. He felt that in time it would come.

He silently prayed as he lay there.God, You have changed so many things in the past 48 hours. More than I ever could’ve thought possible. I pray that You would continue to draw us closer and allow us to get to know each other on a deeper level. And lead me and guide me as the head of this relationship. Show me when to push forward and when to hold back. Amen.
