Page 46 of Love for the Cowboy

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“God,” he began praying out loud as he entered a wooded area. “What is wrong with me? I’ve always believed work is a good thing. I like to work, and I feel like my purpose here is to work. Why doesn’t everybody understand that?”

Garrett didn’t hear an answer in an audible way, but he knew in his heart.

He sighed. “God, I’ve placed my identity and my worth in my work. And I have chosen to believe that I can control what happens at the ranch. Lord, You are the only one who can do that, and You don’t need my help to do it. I’m sorry that I was so angry yesterday and blamed the day workers. And that I said I would never take a day off. God, You even rested after You created the world. So if rest is good for You, then it’s good for me too.”

He rode on in silence for a while as he let the prayer roll over in his mind. Peace washed over him as he continued down the path. Still, he knew there was more he needed to say. “God, I haven’t done right by Elise. Sure, I wanted to help her out, and this was a huge favor. But You didn’t create marriage to be a business agreement where two people live in companionship. You created it for much more, and I’ve been missing out on it. She’s right. Every time we start to get close, I let the ranch get in the way.” He shook his head as emotion burned in his throat. “God, I’m sorry that I’ve hurt her again. Show me how to make it right.”

His thoughts began to churn then, and he knew what he needed to do.

Garrett kicked his horse into a gallop, and as the wind blew in his face, he began to remember the magic of riding a horse and being a cowboy. Just like Jenson had said. This was what was missing in his life. It was life itself, and joy, and even love.

“Thank You, God,” he whispered as he turned his horse and headed exactly where he should be.


Elise tried to focus on working at her parents’ house all morning. There was plenty to do, and it helped keep her mind off Garrett.

She was knee-deep in a pile of clothes she was bagging up for donation when her phone buzzed. With a sigh, she reached in her back pocket and pulled it out. A text from Garrett.

Hey, we need to talk. Could you meet me at the barn at noon?

Elise wasn’t sure she was ready to talk yet. It would be so easy to tell him she was busy today and put him off until later. But she felt a nudge that this talk was a good thing, so she typed a response and sent,I’ll see you then.

She closed her eyes after she hit send. “God, I don’t know what he’s going to say. I’m not sure how we move forward from here. Please prepare me and protect my heart for what You have for me.”

An hour later, Elise parked her car in front of the barn and climbed out. She silently thanked God again for the Macklin family, and that the boys were with Jenson’s kids today. She didn’t know what they were doing, but she knew they were safe and taken care of, and most importantly, that no one was trying to take them away from her now.

Before she could take more than a few steps towards the barn, Garrett came from around the side.

Elise gasped when she saw he was leading two horses.

“Hey,” he said, his voice low and tender.

“Hi,” Elise responded, not sure how to act.

Garrett moved forward until he was only a few feet from her when he stopped and held the horses still.

“Are you not working?” she asked.

He shook his head. “Not today. Will you go for a ride with me?”

This was the last possible thing she had expected, and it took a moment for her to nod her head. “Sure,” she said. “Are you alright? I feel like I should check you for a fever.”

“I’m better than alright,” he said. Without another word, he moved around to the horse and motioned for her to join him.

She lifted her foot into the stirrup and reached for the saddle horn. Garrett’s hands moved to her waist as he helped her up and onto the horse. The touch sent a new sensation through her.

Garrett went to his horse and mounted. He clicked his tongue and nudged his horse. “This way,” he said.

Elise followed his lead as they moved across the yard. Her heart pounded in her ears in rhythm with the sound of hoofbeats.

They rode for several minutes in silence, and Elise could sense that he was waiting to find the right spot.

When Garrett finally pulled to a stop, she recognized the place as one they rode to often in high school. He dismounted and came around to help her down. Then he walked the horses over and looped their reins around a tree.

“Do you know where we are?” he asked.

She nodded as he walked toward her. “We rode here several times. And we had a picnic that summer before our junior year.”
