Page 48 of Love for the Cowboy

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The upbeat song ended, and the music slowed down. Lawson smiled as he watched Garrett pull Elise close and hold her tight as they swayed back and forth. The entire family seemed to be enjoying the long awaited wedding reception.

“Why aren’t you out there?” his friend Riley Kennemer poked Lawson in the shoulder.

He shrugged. “Just thought I’d hold things up here. Let my brothers enjoy the dancing.”

“You going to enter that rodeo at the end of the month?” Riley asked.

“Dude,” Lawson reached out and pushed his friend’s shoulder. “Shh.”

“Oh, I see,” Riley dropped his voice to a whisper. “So you still haven’t told any of your family you want to compete in rodeos?”

“Yeah,” Lawson shrugged. “So what?”

“You’re a grown man,” Riley said. “Are you afraid they’re going to tell you you’re not allowed?”

“It’s not that. It’s just that if I tell them, it will be a big deal. Everyone will have a million questions. My mom will definitely try to talk me out of it, and my brothers will either try to compete against me, or just tease me to no end. Trust me. It’s better if I get a few of them under my belt before I tell them.”

“How are you going to do that? You guys all seem to know what everyone is doing at all times.”

Lawson scratched his head. “It is tricky. But I’ve managed to sneak away to work and train with you. I think I can handle a couple of days.”

Riley laughed and clapped a hand on Lawson’s shoulder. “I’m sure you can figure it out. I’ll let you enjoy the party.”

Lawson lowered his head, hoping no one had heard his friend’s remarks. Especially since Garrett and Elise were headed his way.

“It’s almost time for the toast,” Garrett said. “Are you ready?”

Lawson patted the pocket of his shirt. “Got it all right here.”

“Thanks for doing this,” Garrett said.

“Of course, I told you I would end up being your best man.” Lawson smiled.

“You were right. Just a little bit delayed,” Garrett said. He turned and looped his arm around Elise’s waist. “Although, I have to say, I think having the reception a few months later is perfect. Now we can just enjoy it without the stress of the whole wedding.”

“It’s not a bad idea. And now you just get a party when you’re already married and enjoying life. You don’t even have to rush off tonight to a hotel either.”

Garrett looked at Elise who flushed bright pink. “We’re looking forward to an extended honeymoon next week, but, yes, tonight we’ll just go home.” Garrett leaned in close and kissed Elise as he wrapped his arms around her.

“We’re just glad she finally convinced you to take a vacation.”

Garrett laughed. “I’m still not sure how I will do with four days on a cruise ship. But I’m happy to be spending time with my beautiful wife.”

“Glad for you. Now, you just give me the signal, and I’ll give you the best wedding toast you’ve ever heard,” Lawson said.

Garrett nodded as they moved to talk to other friends around the room.

It was funny to watch Garrett acting so comfortable and carefree with his wife. He had been so certain he would never get married. Even after he married Elise, he was still so worried about the ranch. Elise must have been good for him because he’d changed a lot recently. Definitely for the better.

Garrett held Elise’s hand as he walked to the front of the room and whistled for everyone’s attention. “Hi, everyone. Elise and I wanted to say thank you so much to all of you for coming to our reception. We know this is different from a typical wedding,” he looked at Elise and winked. “A lot of our marriage hasn’t been typical so far. We’re just grateful that so many people wanted to support us and love us during this time. We’re thrilled to celebrate with you. Also, thank you for all the gifts that you brought. I took a glance at the table, and it’s overflowing.” He chuckled. “I don’t know what half of it is, but Elise does, and she’s excited to put them to use in our home.”

Laughter rang around the room.

“I guess I just keep saying thank you because I’m overwhelmed at how much I don’t deserve this. I never thought I would be having my own wedding reception. But more than this party, I don’t deserve Elise. She’s the most patient, kind, caring, and fun woman I’ve ever known. Many of you thought we would be married years before now, so let me be the one to apologize for the long wait. Elise was the one who always knew we would be together.”

He turned and faced her then. “Elise, you are incredible. I knew you were special when we were younger, but now I know it’s true on a whole new level. God knew exactly what He was doing when He made you and brought you to me. I love you. I’ll say it every day for the rest of our lives. I’m committed to you, to our home, to our family. I’m committed to putting you first and taking care of your needs. Thank you for being patient and waiting on me to figure things out. I’m forever grateful, and now that the long wait is over, I’m so excited to celebrate every day with you for the rest of our lives.”

Elise wiped at the tears spilling down her cheeks. Garrett took her face in his hands and kissed her.

Cheers echoed in the building.

It was just as it should have been all along.

As Garrett and Elise held hands and stared into each other's eyes, it wasn’t the first day of their marriage, but they knew the adventure of their lifetime was only beginning.
