Page 47 of Bossy Surprise Baby

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I didn’t want to leave, and a part of me wanted to see what happened next.

So I stayed put.

Before I could blink, he moved—way too fast that I couldn’t see what was going on. He pulled me to him with one hand while the other hand shot up to grasp my hair.

The kiss was a harsh battle of lips. It was the kiss of a man who had been fighting his instincts for too long and now had no choice but to give in. It was the kiss of a beast giving in to his baser need. And what he needed was my lips, my tongue, my taste.

“Fuck,” he breathed into my mouth. “I have to stop. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”

“Don’t stop,” I muttered back before he swallowed the rest of my words with his kiss. I was kissing him back just as ferociously at this point, my fingers digging into his shoulders.

And pretty soon, as his kiss drove my desire higher to overwhelming heights, his moves became gentler.

As I began to crave more of the intensity, he became sweeter, his lips molding mine in a more teasing nipping way. It was like he had finally reached an agreement with himself and stopped fighting the need ripping apart his gut, agreeing to give in and enjoy the ride instead. His hands moved from my hair to my neck, wrapping around it and dragging me closer as if he wanted more of the kiss.

I didn’t blame him. The sweetness of the kiss was like a drug in my blood, and my knees shook. My hand slipped down to touch his sweat-slicked chest, feeling the power in his heartbeat and the strain in his muscles. His control was incredible. I could sense he wanted to lift me up on the counter, throw my legs open, and just take me right there, but he was holding himself still.

Except I wouldn’t be opposed to any of that. In fact, that was exactly what I craved right now—pure mindless lust.

I wrapped my arms around Zane’s neck and pressed harder into his embrace, mewling as I rubbed my body against his. He groaned and swept me up with my ass in his hands, holding me there until my leg wrapped around his waist. I knew he was moving, but I didn’t know where he was going, nor did I care much as I attacked his neck with kisses. He tasted like sweat and man, and I licked at it, addicted to his scent and the groan that emanated from his chest.

“Fuck me, you’re fucking irresistible,” he muttered harshly as he dropped me on a bouncy surface. I squeaked, and he quickly followed, laying over me. His hand wrapped around my neck, and he placed the other one on my abdomen to hold me in place. I didn’t want stability. I fought against it until he started attacking my mouth again, cursing with every breath about how much he was losing it and how I was driving him crazy.

As if I couldn’t already tell from the way his hands shook with a reverence that surprised me. His mouth traced electricity down my neck and traveled lower over my belly toward my pussy. When he yanked my jeans open and began dragging them lower on my hips, I bit my lip, trying to hold back the stupid sounds that wanted to burst forth.

“I have to taste you,” he muttered.

I only realized how far gone I was when I felt his nose nudging my panties. I didn’t even feel him take off my pants. And then his tongue was on my pussy, and I no longer cared.

I screamed and gritted my teeth as gasping sounds came out of me. Past melded with the present as he ate my pussy and licked my clit, his fingers gripping my thighs with a strength that would likely leave marks. I could only scream and attempt to breathe as my world became a kaleidoscope of colors in front of me. It was all too much…the kissing, the sucking, his tongue moving around my pussy as if he couldn’t get enough.

“So good,” he muttered. “You taste so fucking good.”

His words were a breath of air on my clit, and before I knew what was happening, I was shaking and trembling. Then, without warning, I snapped.

And moisture flooded out of my pussy onto his face.

I opened my eyes to find him smiling at me as he licked it all off.

Holy shit. I wanted more. Needed more.

I knew I wanted more even before his eyes blazed up to mine. My moisture was all over the lower part of his face. He flipped me over, touching my clit from behind until I no longer cared as his cock nudged my center. Fuck, but he was huge. I bit my lip as the pain and pleasure whipped through me like an avalanche.

“Are you okay, babe?” he gasped out, his eyes crazed. “Tell me you’re okay.”

“I’m okay,” I bit out, and he continued pushing into me until I was filled to the brim. I bit the pillow, feeling the pain and pleasure rush through me again and again.

Zane groaned as he slowly started thrusting into me, his speed and intensity increasing as he rutted me like an animal. I loved it. Especially when one of his large hands clamped my back, holding me down as he just took me. I never thought I’d be on for rough, quick sex, but there was nothing else like it. I’d never experienced being treated to anything so purely animalistic, and I wanted more.

He kept pushing inside me, his moves becoming more unhinged. Then, with a low growl, he turned my head and took my mouth roughly, his eyes blazing bright like a wolf. After he stopped, snarls and groans escaped from his lips, and he could only mutter a litany offuck fuck fuck.

As for me, I was close to losing my mind.

And then I did, feeling another shock of emotion. I screamed as the sky shattered before my eyes.

Zane clutched me tightly, holding me to him, but somehow, he still managed to pull out and spray his essence on my back instead.

