Page 54 of Daulton

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I smile. He knows me well. “I want to talk to you about Reagan Lawrence.”

“Oh.” That’s clearly not what he was expecting me to say. “How’s that little project of yours going?”

“Good.” I pause. “A little too good.” I give him a look.

I see the moment it registers. He gasps. “You slept with her?”

I nod.

He gives me a disapproving look. “Carter, that was the one thing you two agreed not to do. This could totally screw up your plan.”

I run my hands through my hair. “I know, but I couldn’t help it. She’s so damn sexy. I can’t seem to control myself around her. The chemistry’s insane between us. Off the charts. Every single time.”

“Was it more than once? When did this start? I’ve only been gone for one week.”

“Last weekend after the gala. Before the evening, she told me she didn’t want to do our deal anymore. She was struggling to lie to her family. She said the gala would be our last event. Then we kissed on the dance floor. It was like a blowtorch to a big box of fireworks. It started something that basically detonated back in our hotel room. All. Night. Long.”

“So… it’s only been two or three times?” He has a hopeful, yet doubtful expression on his face.

I have a guilty one on mine. “More like twenty to thirty times.”

“Oh, my lord.” He fans himself. “I’m sort of turned on by the fact that you can have so much sex in the course of a week.”

I roll my eyes and then take a deep breath. “LeRond, it’s the best sex of my life. I’ve never experienced anything remotely like it. I can’t get enough of her. We can’t get enough of each other. It’s all-consuming.”

“Is it the same for her? What does she say about it all?”

“She seems pretty fucking pleased all the time. As for what she says, honestly, we haven’t talked at all about it. We’ve had sex every minute we’ve been together this week. We haven’t left our beds, my shop,” I mumble, “and my office.”

He gasps again. “You had sex in the office?”

I guiltily smile and slowly nod.

“The one damn week I go on vacation, and I miss all the fun.”

I laugh. “It wasa lotof fun.” He smiles. “What am I going to do now, LeRond? I need some advice.”

“Well, first, you need to take this girl on a real date. You know her top concern was not feeling like thehired help. And then you two need to sit down and decide what this means, both on a personal front and in terms of the deal.”

“You’re right. I definitely need to treat her properly. I hadn’t thought about that. And we need to have a real conversation about everything. Thanks, LeRond.”

He smiles. “Isn’t that what executive assistants are for? To give their straight bosses dating advice?” We both laugh.

* * *

I textedReagan after lunch to see if she’s available to go out to dinner tonight so that we can talk. She responded that she is. LeRond said he’d pick a nice restaurant and make all the arrangements.

I pull into her place at 7:30 and knock on the door. She opens it in a sexy as sin black dress that hugs her figure to perfection. She smiles at me, and I all of a sudden forget why I’m here. She breathes, “Hey, you.”

I start to stalk toward her. She backs up and puts her hand on my chest. “Carter, we need to actually make it out of here. We need to talk tonight.”

I pout. “I just want a kiss. One little kiss to say hello.”

She narrows her eyes at me. “One kiss. That’s it.”

I smile as I move to take her in my arms and meet my lips with hers.

About an hour later, we get dressed and leave her apartment. She has an overnight bag since she’s planning to stay at my place tonight.
