Page 85 of Daulton

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She pinches her eyebrows. “What if we didn’t get back together?”

“I never considered that as a possible outcome.” I shrug. “Or I guess I would have had to find another woman with the same name.” She laughs.

I tilt her chin up so her eyes meet mine. “Reagan, I’m in love with you. You’re it for me. There is literally nothing I wouldn’t have done to get you back.”

She bends down and kisses the tattoo. “I love you too, Carter.” She moves her lips to mine and kisses me.



Iwake with a dull ache between my legs. Carter and I went at it for hours and hours last night. We couldn’t get enough of each other. It was so nice to be back in bed with him. I’ve sorely missed the connection we have these past few weeks.

I reach over, but he’s not there. He must have gone downstairs for coffee. I roll out of bed, go to the bathroom, and brush my teeth. I go back and lie on top of the bed, thinking he’ll be back any minute, but I must drift off.

I’m awakened to my sisters stepping into the room. Skylar hovers over me as I crack my eyes open. “Why are you always naked with no blankets? Don’t normal people want to get under the covers when they’re naked?”

I look up at her, “Don’t normal people knock before entering someone’s bedroom?”

Harley raises her eyebrow at me. “Seriously? You of all people are asking that? Poor Brody gets up during the night and puts on boxers for fear of waking up in the morning with you in our bed.” Skylar and I laugh.

Mom and Aunt Cass then walk in. Mom rolls her eyes. “Reagan, put the blankets over your naked body, please.”

I simply put my hands behind my head and smile. “Or you could just leave my room and let me be.”

I roll over slightly to reach for my phone to check the time and my mother gasps. “Reagan Joy Lawrence. What is that I see on your tushy?”

I widen my eyes, and mutter, “Oh shit.”

She pushes me to look. I fight her off, but she sees enough to know that there’s something there. “You have a tattoo? Are you fucking crazy? Why would you ruin your beautiful body with that crap?”

I look around and make the super mature decision to take my sisters down with me. “Harley and Skylar have one too.”

Harley narrows her eyes. “I can’t believe you just threw us under the bus. You suck.”

Mom looks at all of us. “All three of you? Why? What’s so important that all three of you needed to permanently mark your bodies?”

I roll so she can see it. It’s a heart with my father’s initials.

Mom looks around at all of us. “You two have the same one?”

They nod.

“I guess it’s hard to be upset with that. Still, you should have told me.”

Aunt Cass walks over and throws a big blanket over me, covering my body. “So, when a man does you from behind, he has to stare at your father’s initials?” She shakes her head. “That’s weird. You should have chosen a different location on your body.”

We all laugh. Just then, Scotty runs into my room and screams, “Aunt Ray Ray.”

He jumps on top of me as I hold out my arms. I shower him with kisses.

He looks up at Harley. “Aunt Ray Ray no clothes.” She smiles at him and nods. He looks back down at me. “Mommy sleep naked too.”

Harley and I laugh.

Jackson walks in, followed by my brothers, Brody, Kylie, and Jess.

Trevor looks at me but then turns his eyes away. “Oh jeez, you’re naked under there.”
