Page 11 of My Fake Boyfrenemy

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Pierce snorts, which is so disgustingly cute I lift my ass out of my seat, walk the two steps over to his chair, and awkwardly sit-slash-straddle him.

And then I lean down and kiss him.

The moment our lips meet, he makes a soft, happy sound. Feeling both brave and stupid, I cup his face and trace my tongue over the seam of his lower lip.

Pierce's eyes flutter closed as his mouth opens. I lean in some more and slowly sweep my tongue inside him.

He makes another soft, happy sound as my tongue begins to explore. For someone with such a potty mouth, Pierce tastes surprisingly sweet. Like beer and sunshine and happiness.

It's weird but oddly familiar at the same time to be kissing my best friend. It's a slow kiss, a cautious one…until I adjust how I'm sitting and come face to face, or rather, ass to cock, to something incredibly hard.

Pierce breaks the kiss and pulls back a little. I gaze down at him. The heat swirling in his eyes has turned them dark. Hungry.

"What are we doing here?"

Smirking, I slide my tongue against his lips before answering. "If you really need me to explain, I think we might need to take you to a brain doctor."

He chuckles, and it makes his whole body rumble.

"How far do you want this to go?" he rasps, sliding his cheek against mine.

I give his ear a playful lick. "All the way."



I don't even remember how we made it into Marnus's bedroom.

One minute, we're on the balcony, with him perched awkwardly on my lap kissing me, the next, here we are, making out like horny teenagers on his bed.

It's like we're wrapped up in some frenzied kiss tornado. All lips and moans and hands attacking each other's bodies.

Marnus is a damn good kisser, just like he's a damn good friend.

You're the first person I can truly be myself with.

It's hard to smile when you've got someone's tongue lodged halfway inside your throat, but somehow, I manage to.

I'm happy. And I feel free.

Marnus knows my truth. And his reaction has lit me up and unlocked a part of me that shame had kept hidden.

I can feel myself shifting fromknowingtofeeling, and as I slide my hand over Marnus's bulge, I like what I'm feeling a lot right now.

"This okay?" I check, since it is his first time with a guy.

It's all happening so fast. And if I'm thinking we're moving at lightning speed, what's going through his mind?

"Given how bad you are at literally everything, you're actually a surprisingly good kisser."

I swat his chest, grinning. "You really should come with an instruction manual and an off switch."

"I may not have an off switch," he says, his hazel eyes sparkling with mischief, "but if you want to make me come, I'm very receptive to blowjobs." He grabs my hand and places it over his bulge, smiling slyly. "Hint, hint."

"Subtle… Are you sure?"

He nods, still grinning. "Positive. I could get blowjobs morning, noon, and night."
