Page 86 of Third Time Lucky

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“Do you think they make dildos your size?” Lake asked against Grady’s lips. If they did, he wanted one. He wanted two. Four. Maybe four was excessive. Two would be fine. “Is four too many?” His breath hitched on a particularly hard thrust that hit his prostate. “Fuck, right there. Angled just—Yes.Fuck.Do you—” He gasped again. “Do you think your dildo dick could do that?”

“Lake,” Grady groaned.


“Shut the fuck up.”

“I’m just asking,” Lake said, grinning down at him.

The smile that Grady gave him in return did something funny to Lake’s heart. Made itsoar,flipping over itself as it danced.

“Are we having sex or participating in trivia night?” Grady asked. Lake noticed he didn’t stop fucking into him despite the question.

“Both. Definitely both.” Lake pushed himself into a sitting position and rolled his hips, causing Grady to groan. It was so fucking good, sending sparks of pleasure racing across his skin, like he’d been electrocuted by the wires of a Black Hawk.

Lake fucked himself on Grady’s dick like a man starved, rising and then dropping down, tendrils of pain mixing in with the pleasure. “Let’s just… stay here… forever and fuck until… we die.”

“Don’t think it will take long,” Grady said, his voice throaty and deep.

Lake suddenly found himself on his back, his head spinning.Jesus.The pure strength in Grady’s big body was so fucking sexy, Lake didn’t know what to do with it.

Grady’s thrusts slowed as he bent and kissed Lake with lazy strokes of his tongue. He slid in and out of Lake at a leisurely pace, and Lake could feel every inch of him as he moved. His toes curled as he leaned into his kiss, cupping Grady’s cheeks in his hands.

Grady took his time, slowly driving him insane as his orgasm built. When he came, it was less of an explosion and more of a warm slide of pleasure that invaded every tiny corner of his body, no area left untouched.

It occurred to Lake as they lay there that Grady hadn’t fucked him. He’dmade love to him.

Lake sighed happily, snuggling into the sheets and embracing Grady’s warmth. Damn. He was so in love with this man, he didn’t know how his body could contain it.

“I’m so late for work.” Lake snickered into the quiet.

Grady groaned as he buried his face in Lake’s neck. “Fuck. Me too.”

Gradyhadneversufferedsuch a betrayal. It was traitorous behaviour of the worst kind.

He crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the not-quite-a-puppy currently peeing all over his and Lake’s kitchen floor.

“I took you outtwominutes ago,” he hissed at Hades. In the almost three months since he and Lake had gotten him, he’d definitely lived up to his name, threefold. He only had three legs, but each leg was filled with enough mischief to keep them occupied for a lifetime. “Lake is going to be home any minute now, and I haveplans,and now I have to clean up your leakage because you can’t control yourself!”

The dog barked happily and wagged his tail as he finished and then ran a million miles an hour at Grady, slamming into his legs so hard they almost both went ass over kettle. Grady was the only one he did it to, and honestly, Grady didn’t know if it was a good thing or not. Lake called it his “happy to see you tackle,” but Grady called it “trying to break your kneecaps.”

“Ares and Persephone are way more well-behaved than you,” Grady muttered. He picked up the roughly twenty-kilo malamute and deposited him out the back door, closing it so that he couldn’t get back in. He closed the blinds when thatfacelooked at him, pleading silently to return inside.

No. He hadplans,and the dog could entertain himself for twenty minutes. He couldn’t get in the pool because the fence was secure, and shortly after they’d gotten him, they’d added “cat netting” to the top of the fence, at an angle, so that he couldn’t get a foothold to get over it. It had turned out to be a good call because Hades was obsessed with the water. And there were more toys out there than any one dog could use in a lifetime. He’d befine.

He quickly cleaned up the mess—gross—and finished setting up. He checked his watch and noted he had about five minutes before Lake was due to walk in the door. They had moved in together roughly two months ago, a month after they’d gotten Hades and made the decision to have him stay with Lake because he had a bigger yard, and he owned his house. When Grady’s lease had run out, and he’d been trying to decide what to do, Lake had given him the number for a mover, with the beaming smile that he always wore. Grady could have said no; there werehundredsof reasons why moving in together so soon was a bad idea, and Lake hadn’t pressured him about it, just let him know that it was an option. Grady hadn’t even thought about saying no. He’d barely spent any time at his own place since they’d become “official.” The outcome had been inevitable, and Grady had been strangely okay with it.

Just like he was more than okay with what he was about to do. Nervous—terrified, actually, but he would never admit that, even under torture—but he was pretty sure of Lake’s answer. And how muchhehimself wanted it. He’d never been able to hold himself back from Lake, even when he’d tried to.

He didn’t want to anymore. He wanted this.

Grady quickly changed out of his suit and into something more casual: old worn jeans and a plain black button-down shirt. It seemed a weird choice to getoutof something formal considering his plan, but Lake was quite partial to him in casual wear, and Grady needed all the help he could get. At the last second, he clipped his badge to his belt, moving his shirt around it so it was in full view. He ran his hand through his hair and smoothed out his beard as he headed down the hallway and through to the lounge. Picking up all the rose petals afterwards was going to be a pain in the ass, but he was at leasttryingto be romantic, and all the websites said that it was a great addition. And safe for dogs to eat, which was good because Hades had already tried to munch more than a few when Grady had been scattering them and making a trail from the front door.

It wasn’t like he was going to ask Gideon howhehad done it, and he didn’t know anyone else who had. There hadn’t been an actual “asking” for Grady his first time around. That had been as much of a fuckup as the rest of it had been. Grady didn’t want to bring any part of that experience into this one, because this onemeantsomething. So, he’d asked Quinn instead, and they’d spent a lot of energy researching it and had ended with this plan. They’d carefully deleted their search history afterwards.

Grady rolled his sleeves up to his elbows and perched himself on the edge of the couch as he waited. He fiddled with the small felt box in one hand and flipped his phone in a circular motion as he waited. He could feel his palms starting to sweat.

The second that he heard the lock turn in the front door, his heart began to pound.
