Page 85 of Reactant

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“Phineas and Ferb,” Jericho replied as though he hadn’t only heard about it himself hours ago. “Fake it till you make it” was one of his personal mottos. Never let someone see that he didn’t know what he was talking about. Most of the time, he did. He made it his business to know everything he could. And when he didn’t know, he made it look like he did.

“The science brothers?”

“You’ve seen it?” Jericho asked.

Sebastian passed the couch and disappeared into the kitchen.

“I’ve heard of it. I don’t live under a rock.”

“Riddle me this,” Jericho said. He slouched, spreading his legs. Will sighed and shifted with him, moulding against him. His hand moved up Jericho’s thigh, stopping just beside his dick. Peyton had to have seen it—Will wasn’t being subtle—but he didn’t say a word, so Jericho followed his lead. Nothing out of the ordinary was going on, and he didn’t have the guy’s boyfriend snuggled against him. Everything was business as usual. “Where is Phineas’ brain?” he asked. The question was burning a hole inhisbrain. “Is it in his nose? There isn’t enough room up top. He has no chin. And how does he get his clothes on? Do his parents have to get them custom-made?”

“The amount of thought you’ve put into this is borderline terrifying,” Quinn said, smirking at him from the back of the couch.

“I’ve had some time to think about it.” While trying not to think about the warm weight on him.

“What, like forty minutes? How long are these episodes? How long have you been out here?” Peyton asked.

“I’m a quick thinker.” It wasn’t like thetriangle headwas hard to miss. It had been front and centre from the moment the show had started.

“And so witty,” Peyton said.

Jericho expected him to sit on the other side of Will, pull him away, and take over. He had more right to it than Jericho did.

Instead, he moved to Jericho’s side, shooed Persephone to the side of the couch, and then sat cross-legged beside him. He absently tugged the sling as they watched Phineas and Ferb rig up their latest experiment.

Where the fuck did they get all of the gadgets? Who was financing this?

“It’s part of my charm,” Jericho replied.

“What charm?”

“You thought I had charm earlier,” Jericho said, his words a deliberate caress.

Peyton shot him a look that was equal parts amusement and leer. “Sexual appeal isn’t charm.”

“It got your dick in my ass, so I’ll call it a win.” Pity that he hadn’t been able to pack every experience he wanted with them into a single night.

Peyton lifted a knee to his chest and leaned back, their shoulders touching, searing him.

“Does anyone want a warm drink?” Quinn asked.

“Does Seb have anything except coffee?” Peyton asked, tipping his head and looking at Quinn upside down.

“Caffeine seems like a poor choice this early,” Jericho said. He placed the time between midnight and one a.m., based on how long he’d been up. If he had coffee now, he’d never get to sleep, and he wouldn’t be of any use tomorrow. The opposite of useful. A single wrong glance at him if he was that tired could result in war.

“I resemble that,” Sebastian called out from the kitchen. Then quieter, “I think there’s Ovaltine here somewhere.”

“That’s ominous,” Quinn said. “I’ll go make sure it’s still in date.”

The show cut to Doofenshmirtz. He was talking to a platypus named Perry. Pet and secret agent, all rolled up in one. Jericho couldn’t decide if the show was pure genius or total crack. Perhaps the best of both sides.

“It has to be the nose,” Peyton mused, still fiddling with his sling.

Jericho placed a hand over his to stop the movement without a second thought.

They both froze, and Jericho’s breath held, and he couldn’t remember how to let it out again. What was breathing?

Peyton’s hand rotated, their palms sliding against each other. His fingers slid between Jericho’s, agonisingly slowly and lighting up every nerve in Jericho’s body.
