Page 17 of Trained

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“Stop!” he says, struggling against his bindings. “You’re going to fuck it up. You’re going to kill me!”

“Settle down,” Grenoble growls. “You have to remain still! Eyal, get the case!”

“No! Make her stop!” Lincoln shouts.

“Almost… there…”

He twists his neck, knocking the forceps and the implant from Grenoble’s hands.

Eyal and I react at the same time: I pull Grenoble away while he kicks the implant to the other side of the room. It’s still in the air when it bursts, releasing a spray of sharp metal and plastic shrapnel. Most of it bounces off the denim of mine and Eyal’s pants, but Lincoln takes a few bits in his legs.

“Fuck!” he snaps. “That hurts!”

“Imagine what it would have done to your neck,” I say. “Doctor, are you okay?”

She looks herself over, spotting a piece of shrapnel embedded in her scrubs.

“It’s not bad,” she says. “I’ll be fine.”

“Good. And congratulations, by the way. The operations were successful.”

“True, but I’d like to refine my methods before attempting it on Kate. I’ll need more test runs to feel comfortable with the process.”

I smirk.

“That can be arranged. Eyal, escort her back to the transport. Tell all units to commence the clean-up phase.”

“Understood,” he replies, taking Grenoble’s hand.

I wait for them both to leave before turning back to Timo and Lincoln. By now, Anton should have received an alert that Lincoln’s implants have detonated. He’s going to send men to investigate the second he finds out. I wish I could see Anton’s face the moment he discovers what we’ve done. What is he going to think?

It’s too bad we have to burn this entire place to the ground, or I’d tap into the security cameras and watch.

“We were test subjects?” Lincoln grunts.

“Yes. I had to know if the procedure works,” I say, running the self-destruct sequences on the remaining implant containers. It’ll draw power from the batteries until they overheat and catch fire. Elsewhere, throughout the mansion, Eyal and my men are dragging inside the bodies of the dead guards and pouring out canisters of gasoline. In a few minutes, this place will go up so hot, only the bones will be left.

“If it makes you feel any better, Anton was planning on killing you soon. Your families will be protected until this is all over. And we’ll let the horses out before torching the stable.”

“You don’t have to kill us,” says Timo. “Our implants are out, we could go — if you burn the mansion, Anton will never know we’re still alive.”

“No, it won’t work,” I say, drawing my Glock. “If he doesn’t find your remains, then he’ll know we can extract the implants. It has to be this way.”

“Wait!” Timo shouts.

I don’t. I fire four shots, putting two bullets in both their stomachs. They scream, coughing as blood and more spills out.

“That’s for everything you’ve done to Kate,” I say. “And for all the others you’ve spent your life hurting.”

Fire alarms go off as I turn to leave them. I feel no pleasure from the kills, though I don’t regret my actions. They deserved a painful death for their many, many crimes.

But, if they did, then so do I.
