Page 35 of Trained

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Cole pauses for so long, I’m not sure he’s still on the line. I picture him holding a hand over the receiver and frantically ordering his subordinates around; either that or banging his head against the desk.

“So you were never actually taken by the kidnappers?” he asks at last.

“I told you, they were assassins. They were trying to murder me.”

“Kate, I hope you’ll understand my confusion, because in the statement you released to the press you said they were going to execute you on television.”

“And they would have, if they’d had the chance!”

“That doesn’t make any sense!” Cole thunders.

I have to cover my mouth to keep from laughing. This shouldn’t be so much fun. I could get in serious trouble if I wasn’t already subject to Anton’s whims.

“Ms. Atwood, I’m going to have someone come out to speak with you-”

“Tell them to speak with my lawyers,” I interrupt.

“You can think about what you’d like to say on the record,” Cole continues. “And consider telling the media the truth about what happened to you. If you don’t, we will.”

Anton drags a finger across his neck.

“Okay, thanks so much! Go fuck yourself.”

Smirking, Anton ends the call.

I have to admit — I enjoyed that.

“Good,” he says. “Now, let’s go. You have one more task. The Masters would like to see you and I would like them to shut up, so you’re going to see them.”

Interesting. What could they want with me? I do what Anton says. Their concerns don’t matter.

Then again, Anton’s in uncharted waters here. The other Masters have no doubt faced challenges to their power before. Maybe honoring their request is some subtle way of seeking out their advice.

Once I’ve been stripped and bound, Anton and Nick take me to the pavilion and bind me to a pillar with chains and shackles.

“Okay,” Anton says when he’s done. “Tell them we’re ready.”

Within a few minutes they all trickle in, taking their seats without speaking. I can’t help noticing that Timo and Lincoln’s chairs have been removed.

“I think you all know why we’re here,” says Anton. “We have a problem with Anarchy, Inc. They’ve already killed two of us, and they’re not done.”

“What are you planning to do about it?” asks Evo Griekin.

“All of our security contractors are either jacking up their rates like crazy or canceling our contracts entirely,” adds Karthik Pai. “They know we’re likely targets. They’re not willing to take the risk.”

“Pay them whatever they want,” says Anton. “Now’s not the time to get stingy.”

“All the money in the world won’t help if they don’t take the job,” argues Griekin. “We need to end their threat immediately. And by we, I mean you, Anton. Since you’re in charge.”

Anton glowers at them for a time. He gets up and paces.

“Let me make something clear,” he says. “If Anarchy, Inc. kills some of you, that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to live with. If I happen to save some of you, it’s because it suits my interests.”

Griekin shies away, though he doesn’t hide the disgust on his face.

“Seeing as how this is a new and unusual situation we find ourselves in, you shouldn’t be surprised that I am currently working on a solution. I have all of my agents and operatives analyzing the evidence we have, but make no mistake: Anarchy, Inc. is serious and capable. Their leader communicated with me in their van. He called himself Death. He’s clearly confident in his ability to destroy us, so we can’t afford to take this threat lightly. If any of you have a good idea of what to do, I’m open to suggestions.”

They all turn to Mr. Hardt.
