Page 22 of Remy

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Chrissy and Shelby didn’t have much to do with their father. He’d cheated on their mother with his secretary. Their mother hadn’t found out about it until his secretary had shown up on her doorstep with the news that she was pregnant.

Their mother hadn’t screamed or cried. She’d packed their father’s clothes and personal items, set them on the front porch, changed the locks and filed for divorce.

Their father had signed, no argument. Once the divorce was final, he’d married his secretary, and they’d moved from Bayou Mambaloa to Atlanta and hadn’t looked back.

Which left the three women to fend for themselves. Chrissy had had her driver’s license by then and had helped make sure Shelby wasn’t forgotten.

As Shelby dressed in the clothes her sister had gone to her cottage to collect, she marveled at her sister. Once again, she’d come through. With five boys to wrangle, Chrissy had her hands full. But she always found a way to help Shelby.

Once Shelby was finished dressing, she thanked the nurse.

The nurse left, and a medical assistant entered with a wheelchair. “Hi, I’m Lindsay. I’ll be escorting you to the exit.”

Shelby frowned at the chair. “I can walk.”

Lindsay gave her a nice smile. “Hospital rules. If you come in on a gurney, you leave in a wheelchair.”

Shelby lowered herself into the chair and let the assistant wheel her out the door and down the hallway to the elevator.

Remy fell in step beside the chair. “Feel better in your own clothes?”

Shelby’s lips twisted. “Almost normal, less several weeks of memory. Where’s Gerard?”

“He’s bringing the car to the pickup point,” Remy said. “He’ll drive us to Bayou Mambaloa.”

“Good. I want to find out who did this to me.”

“You heard the doctor. You can’t go to work until he clears you.”

“So, I’m not going back to work. But I can ask questions in an unofficial capacity. If that leads me to the people who tried to kill me, good. I have a huge bone to pick with them.” She glanced up at Remy. “If you’re going to be my protector until we catch these guys, you can do all the driving. But we’re going to find those bastards if it’s the last thing I do.”

Chapter 6

Remy settled Shelby in the back seat of the SUV, walked around to the passenger side and got in next to her. He brought up the map application on his phone and keyed in the address for the Broussard Country Store. Once he had the location, he shared it with Gerard’s phone.

Gerard slid in behind the steering wheel, connected his phone to the SUV's computer and brought up the directions. By the time they hit the streets, the morning traffic had settled. They made it out of the city in good time.

Remy turned to Shelby. “I’m going to call Hank Patterson, the man behind Brotherhood Protectors. He’s an ex-Navy SEAL with years of training and experience in tough situations. I want to bring him up to speed on what’s happened since I got here and see if he has any information that can help us.”

Shelby shrugged. “Why are you telling me this? He’s your boss.”

“Because I’m going to put the call on speaker so you can be a part of the conversation. Are you up to that?”

“Yes,” she said with a frown puckering her brow. “I’m okay, just a little weak from lying in bed for two days. I can still hold my own.”

Remy grinned and called headquarters.

Hank answered on the first ring. “Remy, tell me what you know.”

Remy put the phone on speaker. “Shelby’s awake. She’s been released from the hospital, and we’re on the way to Bayou Mambaloa. She’s listening in on this conversation.”

“Good morning, Miss Taylor,” Hank said. “We’re glad you’re back with us. I have my tech guy, Swede, listening in as well.”

“Glad you’re feeling better,” Swede seconded. “No lasting damage or major injuries?”

“Nothing I can’t get over in my own home,” Shelby said. “Thanks for asking.”

“Were you able to tell the police who rammed your boat or tried to smother you?” Hank asked.

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