Page 27 of Remy

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“Damn right.” She gave him a challenging smile. “The doctor said I couldn’t drive a car. He didn’t say anything about driving a boat.”

Gerard laughed. “I think five little boys might be a lot easier to handle than one deputy sheriff on medical leave.”

Shelby grinned. “You say that now. Don’t get me wrong. I love all five of my nephews, but there is nothing easy about wrangling them. My sister is a saint and a magician.”

As Gerard drove into the small town of Bayou Mambaloa, he slowed. “Which way?”

“To the marina,” Shelby answered promptly and gave him the directions.

“You can drop us off and head for Broussard Country Store. It’s on the corner of the town square,” Shelby said. “You can’t miss it. I’ll call my sister and let her know what’s going on so that you don’t blindside her and her husband. Alan can be a little jealous at times.”

A frown dented Gerard’s forehead. “He’s not one of those guys who shoots first and asks questions later?”

“Not at all,” Shelby said with a grin. “But he’s very possessive of my sister.”

“Duly noted. I’ll keep my hands, eyes and thoughts about her to myself,” Gerard said. “Besides, she’s not my type.”

“How do you know?” Shelby asked.

“She’s married,” Gerard answered promptly. “I won’t mess with another man’s woman.”

“Good,” Shelby said. “Now, turn here. The marina is at the end of this road.”

Gerard stopped in the marina parking lot.

Shelby pointed toward an older pickup parked in the shade of an oak tree. “That’s my truck, parked in my usual spot.”

“Do we need to go through the bag with your ruined uniform to find the keys?” Remy asked.

Shelby shook her head. “No, I leave the keys in the truck.”

When Remy frowned, Shelby said, “What? I can’t take them out on the bayou. What if I lost the keys in the water? Do you know how hard it would be to find them?”

“Good point.” Remy pushed open his door and stepped out.

He offered his hand to Shelby.

She let him help her out of the vehicle and leaned against the fender.

Remy strode to the back of the rental car, opened the hatch and located his handgun and shoulder holster. Sliding the straps over his arms, he secured the buckle in front and slid his gun into the holster. Then he dug a light jacket out of his duffel bag. Despite the heat and humidity, he pulled the windbreaker over his shoulders, hiding the holster beneath.

Gerard appeared beside him. “Hank loaded a couple of bulletproof vests in the gym bag with the communications equipment.”

Remy reached into the bag, pulled out one of the vests and handed it to Shelby.

She didn’t argue. Instead, she put it on and secured the buckles. She patted the vest, looking around a little lost.

“What’s wrong?” Remy asked.

Her lips twisted in a wry grin. “I feel out of uniform.”

“You’re not in uniform,” he said.

“I know, but the vest makes me feel like I should be in uniform. And I don’t have my gun. I wonder if it went down with the boat?” Her brow furrowed. “Speaking of which…there’s a lot of paperwork involved with losing your service weapon. When we get back from the bayou, I should stop by the station and get on that report.”

“And what would you put in your report?”

She blinked several times. “I guess only two words. I forgot.” She shook her head. “Gerard, you do have the best assignment. My sister is sweet. The boys will love you, and none of them are as over-the-top crazy as their Auntie Shelby. On the other hand, Remy will be challenged by me.” She repeated the directions to the store.
